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In the morning Jewels got up and on seeing a uniform on her dresser she got dressed. Walking into the kitchen she saw she was the only one away and after looking at the clock she understood why. It was 5:30 in the morning. She had been so used to her work schedule at the zoo it will be hard to change it. Then on following her schedule she made breakfast. But as she started to cook her eggs she heard someone behind her. She turned and saw Jayden.

"Morning I didn't wake you did I?"

Jayden sat down. "Good morning and no you didn't wake me up."

"Would you like some breakfast?"


She made more bacon and eggs for him and sat down and ate with him. When they finished he washed their plates then he sat in front of her. "How did you sleep?"

"Okay I guess I had a weird dream."

Jayden set his arms on the table. "About what?"

"Well not a weird dream it was a memory from when I was 8 Me and my parents were at the Hiawatha family camp and I was remembering when we were spending time with another family there."

Jayden's eyes widen. "I went there when I was 10 My mom and dad invited this family to a picnic them and their little girl the mom called Aurora."

"No way!"


"Jayden I was Aurora... That is why I thought I recognized you. Our families were at the camp together."

He looked surprise. "You're parents are Duncan and Jessica McKnight?"


Jayden smiled at her. "I remember everything from that summer it was my favorite summer ever."

Jewels blushed. "I remember you being my first kiss."

"I was the same." Jayden looked at her and they both started to remember that summer day when they went swimming.


"Mom we'll see you late." Jay grabbed Aurora's hand and started to pull her to the door.

"Where are you two going?"

Aurora smiled. "Where going down to the lake for a swim then a picnic... You said last night that you were gonna give us a day so you and the other grown ups can hang out."

Jessica smiled at her daughter."Yes I did you two just be careful."

"Yes ma'am," they said in unison.

Jay took Aurora's hand and they ran out. Sitting the picnic basket on the back of Jay's bike he had Aurora rode up the rode but when Jay turned off to a little path Aurora stopped.

"The lake is that way."

"I know there is something I want to show you it is a secret."

"Alright." She followed him.

They rode for about 5 minutes then stopped on a small beach in a cove. Getting off the bikes Jay turned to Aurora.

"I found this place yesterday and no one else knows about it. It is our own special cove."

He grabbed a big sheet and laid it out followed by their towels. Jay was sitting when Aurora walked up.

"I'm gonna swim a bit." She pulled off her shirt and short to the bathing suit she wore underneath. She ran and jumped in the water. Jay pulled off his shirt and ran after her to the water.

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