The London Fair

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Neville's P.O.V.

Luna and I have been dating for a year now. Hogwarts was closed this year because the castle still had some major repairing to do. So,Luna won't start her seventh year until next year. Oh,Luna. Just the thought of her makes me feel all warm inside,much like the feeling Fire Whiskey gives you. But Luna is much better than Fire Whiskey. She's smart,beautiful,kind,caring,sweet,charming,funny. I could go on and on about Luna. Today,I'm taking her to the London Fair. It's this Muggle thing where they have games,rides,prizes,and food. They have this ginormous ride called The London Eye. It's a really big Ferris wheel. I thought Luna would like that kind of stuff. I apparate to her house to pick her up. I knock on the door and her father answered. Xeno's a nice man and all,but he's a bit odd. I wouldn't say anything to Luna,of course. But,he's always talking about when Luna was little or the newest edition of The Quibbler. Or those creatures Luna talks about. I admit,it's cute when Luna talks about it,but when her dad mentions them,he gets so serious. Anyways,he didn't really say anything to me today. He just showed me to her room. I knocked on Luna's door and she answered it immediately. She greeted me with a huge hug.


"Hello,Neville. Would you like to see my room?" She asked.

"Sure." I walked in.

Her walls were a deep blue and there were sunflower patterns on it. She had a little bulletin board on her wall nearby her bed overflowing with drawings and documents.

"Did you see what's on the ceiling?" She asked me.

I looked up. There was a painting of Harry,Hermione,Ron,Ginny,and me on her wall and around us was the word 'friends' repeated many times,forming a circle around us.

"Do you like it?" Luna asked.

"Yes,it's amazing."

"I have another one." She told me.


She pointed to a place on the wall above her closet door. There was my face inside of a heart with my name scrawled in cursive underneath it. I smiled at her.

"Cute." I said. She blushed. "Are you ready to go?"

Luna nodded. She took my hand and we apparated to the London Fair. When we opened our eyes,she gasped.

"Oh,Neville! This place is so big! Are all these people Muggles?" She asked.

"Yep." We played all kinds of games. Then,Luna saw a game where the grand prize was a stuffed puppy.

"Ooh! Neville,can we play that game?"

I chuckled. She gets overly excited sometimes. "Sure."

To win the stuffed puppy,you had to knock down six milk bottles. If I failed,I could always Confund the game somehow. I let Luna try first. She knocked all three down in one hit! Now it was my turn to try. I could tell Luna really wanted that stuffed animal. I took my best shot and... I made it! The other three were down.The man at the booth handed me the stuffed puppy and I handed it to Luna. She squealed in excitement.

"Oh,thank you Neville!" She kissed my cheek.

"You're welcome,Luna." I said.

We went on the London Eye after that. It seemed like the perfect way to end the day.

"Wow,we're so high up! The Wrackspurts will never be able to reach us up here!" exclaimed Luna.

Oh,Luna. After the ride was over,we Apparated home-while no one was looking,of course. Luna thanked me and went inside her house. Oh, how I wish I could spend every day with her.

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