I'm getting married Daddy!

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Luna's P.OV

I still can't believe it! I'm engaged to Neville! Neville decided to take me home from dinner,so we could tell Daddy together. Neville asks me if I'm ready to go home. I nod. I grab his hand and take a deep breath. CRACK! I open my eyes and find myself outside my house.

"Let's go in." I say.

I open the door and call,

"Daddy! I'm home!"

Daddy comes down the stairs to greet us.

"Hello,Luna,dear! Neville,good to see you." Daddy said.

"Daddy," I said," we have something important to tell you."

"Alright,then. What is it,darling?"

"Daddy....Neville and I are getting married." I said,with a huge grin on my face.

A grin was also on his.

"Oh, my Luna!" He cried,giving me a huge hug. "Congratulations,darling. And Neville,welcome to the family."

We all shared a group hug. Yes. This is still the best birthday ever.


I'm sorry this is short. Maybe I should have just put this in the last chapter? .....Whatever.

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