The Holidays are over.

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Luna's P.O.V

It has been fun spending the Christmas holiday with Neville and Daddy. But,sadly, the holidays are over. I must return to Hogwarts-not that there's anything wrong with Hogwarts. It's just... I missed Neville so much during school. I'm afraid I'll miss him too much when I go back.

"Luna,are you okay?" Says a voice.

I turn around. It's Neville.

"I'm just thinking." I said.


"I...I'm going to miss you so much when I go back to Hogwarts. I don't know if I can handle it this time."

"Luna,it'll be fine." Neville told me.

"No. It was pretty bad last time. Cho and Padma said I was...Never mind,it's too embarrassing."


"It's nothing.. " I said,trying to change the subject.

"Tell me!" Pleaded Neville.

"Fine. Cho and Padma said...that I was..talking about you in my sleep."

Neville was stifling a laugh.

"Hey! It's not funny!" I said.

"No, it's not that. I've been doing the same sort of things." He said.


"When you were gone, I'd see your face everywhere; in pictures, water, even my plants!"

I giggled. "Really?"

Neville nodded his head.

I laughed again.

"Yeah. So, I think maybe it's just some separation anxiety that's making us do these things."


" I think we should find a way to see each other more often." Neville said.

"But,how? I'll be at school until summer." I said.

"Floo Network."

"They're monitored all the time."

"Probably not at night, though." He said.

"Alright. As long as we don't get caught." I said.

"We won't. And besides, if we did, we would only be talking so you wouldn't be in too much trouble."

"I suppose you're right."

We were quiet for a moment. Then Neville broke the silence.

"So what were you saying about me anyway?"

I couldn't help but laugh again. Wouldn't he like to know.

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