Neville's conference with Xenophilius

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Neville's P.O.V.

I was on my way over to see Xenophilius Lovegood. He sent me a message saying he needed to see me. I wonder if I'm in trouble,or something. When I got there, I knocked on the door and Luna's dad answered.

"Ah,Neville. Good to see you. Do come in." He said.

He told me to have a seat at the table. I did as I was told. He went into the kitchen and came back out shortly with a tea tray. He sat in the chair across from me and set down the tray.

"Would you like some tea?" Xeno offered.

"No,thank you." I answered.

He poured himself a cup.

"So,Neville,I have called you down here telling you I need to speak with you."

"Yes,you have,sir." I said.

"And I wanted to know: Do you really,truly love Luna?" Xeno asked me.


"You would never leave her,never break her heart?"

"Never." I answer.

"You would be by her side when she would need you the most?" He questioned.


He smiled. "Neville,you are the perfect man for my daughter."

"Really? I mean,thank you,sir." I said.

"And I need to ask you one last question." He told me.


"Will you take care of her when I'm gone?" He asked me.

"I beg your pardon?" I asked.

"Well, you see, I went to the Healer's the other day. And they told me I only have five years left to live."


"They told me I have some sort of problem with my liver. A sort of....Cancer, I think the Muggles call it.. And I know Luna would be devastated with me gone. She needs someone else to take care of her. Will you be that someone,Neville?" He said.

Whoa. Liver cancer? five years left to live? Me take care of Luna?

"Y-you mean,you want me to marry her?" I ask.

"I know it's a big task but, If you're not willing to-"

"Actually,sir, I was planning to propose to her on her birthday." I said,pulling out the ring I had bought for Luna.

It had a silver band with a big sapphire in the center. Xenolophius started to tear up.

"My dear boy,if you are asking for my blessing,the answer is yes."

"Thank you, Mr. Lovegood." I said.

"Neville,please, call me Xenophilius. Or Xeno,whatever's easier."


He smiled. He thanked me and allowed me to leave.

I thought to myself,' Just think,in four days it'll be Luna's birthday. And I'll ask her to marry me....'

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