Visiting Neville's parents.

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Luna's P.O.V.

Today is Christmas Eve. Neville and I are going to visit his parents at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. It's quite sad to think about what happened to them. Some of the Healers say that they will never recover. It's very sad to think that they've missed out on eighteen years of Neville's life. They can't remember a single thing and they can't even talk. They just walk around like zombies. Anyways,we are at the front desk of St. Mungo's,checking in. The Healer took us to their room and let us in. They were both sitting by the window,looking out of it wistfully.

"Hi,Mum. Hi,Dad." Neville said to them.

Hearing a voice,both of his parents turned their heads. They stared at us for a few moments,then they looked back out the window. We sat in the chairs behind them.

"You guys remember Luna,don't you? I introduced you to her last time we saw you. That was before she went back to Hogwarts."

Of course,Neville's parents didn't answer. He knows they can't answer him,but he still talks to them as if they were normal people who haven't been affected by the Cruciatus Curse. I couldn't think of anything to say at first. But then, I remembered I had mints in my purse.

"Do you want some mints?" I asked,holding up my little box of mints.

They just looked at it.

"Never mind..." I put them up.

We stayed there for a few more hours. Neville did most of the talking,though. It was about one-thirty when we left. When we were walking out of their room,we wished them a Merry Christmas,then went home. I really do hope they recover soon. I couldn't imagine living a life where your own parents don't remember you...or anything.

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