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Uhmm... Hi..


Y/n POV :

I screamed as i realised i was in the mortuary.. which is the most hated place by me..

I actually hate this place because it is disgusting.. and it has corpes..

But don't know why it looks cleaned today..

The last time i have came to the mortuary is an year ago.. i guess..

Where I had to do the post mortem for a girl... But then i just fainted seeing that dead body.. and so then i never stepped here..

It is still dark but i got adjusted to it so i can see well ..

But i can't see like this for a long time because my eyes will damage..

I walked towards the switch board and turned on the light..

Now it is bright..

I walked towards the door and started banging my hand on it..


No one opened the door and i got hurt only by banging the door..

I signed.. where did i got myself into?..

I sat on the floor ... Suddenly I felt a stinging sensation on my neck..

I rubbed my neck only to notice something wet..

I looked at my hand.. and it is .. Blood..

Minho's POV:

Aish.. why it is taking too long for Y/n and her hubby to be here?

And I'm trying to call her through her phone but no one is picking up ..

I don't know why but I feel like something bad is happening to them..

Like maybe it's siblings connection right?

I decided to go to her house and check them..

G's POV :

Jk : Hyung.. i think i forget something..

Jongsuk : what?

Jk : Y/n.. is alone in the store room.. she might need my help..

Jongsuk : Just leave it.. there is people around to help her..

Jk : But..

Jongsuk : Is she that important to you that you want to leave your father's dead body there?

Jk : uh...

Jongsuk : She'll be okay ...!

Jk : hmm.. okay if you say so!

What he doesn't notice is the smirk raising on his face..

Soojin's POV :

She wanted me to be there.. but i don't want to be there knowing she'll ask something weird.. maybe who knows..

I want about to sit on my bed when I got a call and it is from Y/n's brother Lee Min Ho..

I picked up his call..

But what he said next made me widen my eyes..

And without wasting any time i left after taking my keys..

Minho's POV :

I went to her house but it was locked from outside means, they already left..

But then i thought of asking Soojin to track her location..

So i dialled her number and within a ring she picked up..

I told her I'm getting bad vibe from Y/n not here in their house.. and she must not be in the hospital as it is lunch break..

And told her to track her location..

Dongwook's POV :

Hope my daughter comes here soon.. i have told the maids to prepare the best dish for them..

I told them to make Y/n's favourite food... The food she loves the most..

From spicy food to sweet dessert like Ice cream.. so everything is ready..

Dongwook : Why it is taking long?

To be continue..

Who do you think will save Y/n and Taehyung first?..

Question of the day :

Which is favourite colour?

Sorry for the late update BTW❤️💜

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