Undead Warmth {FrankenKyle Spencer~SMUT}

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"Kyle?" I call out, loud enough for my unexpected guest to hear after seeing the broken chains on the floor. In return I get a noisy and cheerful growl coming from the bathroom.
Although I am now pretty acquainted with his ways of expressing himself, I can't help but get a little frightened every time I come back to the academy after staying out a longer amount of time than usual.

My expression softens when I peep through the half-opened bathroom's door to find a confused but proud Kyle whose hands are trying to turn on the sink faucet. In fact, he's been trying to clean up the remains of dropped food on his body with the small quantity of water dripping from the tap.
"Oh, don't worry, Kyle. You are going to learn bit by bit everything you need to know to live in this world. For now, let me take care of it for you", I smile and turn off the sink. I feel his stare on me as I walk towards the bath to turn it on instead, so he sits on the comfy mat in the middle of the room and watches as I do so.

"See? This way you can get in there and wash yourself up without using the same boring cloth that I usually use to clean you up", I try to settle a slight idea in his mind on how to take care of his hygiene.
His mouth forms an "o" shape when he sees more water coming out, figuring out that he wasn't able to properly turn the sink on. {A.N.  Weird, 'cause he can perfectly turn me on...}

He crawls next to me and takes my place when I stand up, leaving him handling on his own the new "thing".
"You want to try?". He simply looks at me and then at the tub faucet again, I smile and nod.
His hands both reach for it just to turn it in the opposite direction, which gains a frustrated groan from him due to the tough pressure that's stopping him in succeeding.

"Hey, hey! You only mistook the direction, there's nothing to get disappointed or upset about", I kneel in front of him after seeing his previous reaction. "Exactly in this direction, not the other one, or nothing will ever happen except for a possibility of breaking the tap" I giggle.
By analyzing my positivity, his eyebrows relax and his breathing calms down. I gently take his hand and lead it to the faucet once again, but this time he manages to turn it in the right direction with the guiding of my hand.

Even the smallest things make this boy happy, and so do I when seeing his satisfaction. 

But troubles appear when he doesn't know when or how to stop himself.
"Kyle, that's enough, don't keep the water running", I crouch down again after grabbing a towel to eventually help him dry himself up.
His instincts are inevitable most of the time, as a matter of fact his fingers come into contact with water, causing it to change its direction. My once dried dress is now the opposite from before because of his curious gesture.

"Well, I suppose you cannot help it..." I sigh, knowing that he isn't capable of understanding all of my words just yet. Furthermore, I can't help it as well when his sweet brown eyes look at me with such guilt at me.
"It's just water, it'll eventually dry off while I help you here, it's harmless. Or else we would all be dead by now", I try to reassure him and carefully rest my hand on knee, even though I am well aware of his incomprehension. "Now you're going to help me with this, alright?", I warmly rub my hand on his knee. He slowly nods.

I cautiously untie the strings of his shoes and he surprisingly imitates the same action with more calmness, succeeding in his undertaking.
I lean closer and do the same thing with his plaid shirt, this time unbottining each button except for one, so that he could try to do it too. He quickly follows my suggestion and doesn't give up when it doesn't work out immediately, instead he tries again and again, just a quiet sigh escaping from his lips.
"Good boy Kyle", I ruffle his hair and smile at his unexpected and unusual patience.

"Yes, that's water!", I widen my eyes a bit after hearing his attempt on pronouncing the word, then I proceed to remove his belt, but his attention falls on the wet spot on my dress.
I look down as well and realize that my breasts are now even more exposed, the absence of my bra doesn't help it. He lifts his hand from his lap and the sudden contact of his fingertips on my clothed breast makes me twitch on my spot for a brief moment.
His curiosity is prevented by my hand on his wrist, he looks down at my arm and up at me again.

Innocently Wicked ~ Evan Peters SMUT/FLUFFWhere stories live. Discover now