The Lands

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Villages and kingdoms used to be in war with the tribes due to differences, they were disgusted by them, the way they did things and their looks till one got an idea..


Many died due to this, the old, the young. They stole there belongings food, treasures mostly stole they're life away...

many killed most for they're horns, wings, scales and etc.
The tribes all attacked a kingdom that was the cause of many deaths, the kingdom was known for its.. well..


Many children or a little older were used.. tears.. lots of tears.
Many remembered this kingdom as a tragedy..

Many remembered with tears of pain, agony and suffering, no matter how much they try to forget it huants them till the end.

The kingdoms saw this as a threat, so they started war many were lost between the crossfire therefor known as one of the tragic event known to man kind...

They thought they would never get along with people like them so they fighted for decades. Till one finally established peace between the tribes and kingdoms.
After that, most humans tried to change the kings mind, is just that the king was thinking with his heart his soul he was thinking on what would be good for all.
Humans slowly started to grow familiar with the tribes and monsters, most hunters took this as an advantage to get more skin, wings and etc.
Most were after the Thorns tribe a tribe known for they're knowledge of plants and herbs and their healing like power.
Since of their knowledge of plants and herbs their able to make healing medicine and can cure many sicknesses. The source medicine and healing their a big hit especially to hunters, due to their wings and flowers growning on them. Till one day they were gone..
When tribes went to they're land they found dead shredded up body's with no wings some were just bones since their meat was a delicacy, tribes were furious, many theorized the hunter.
Which the theory being correct wings and flowers were found in shacks. Not just the tribe was furious, but many found this horrible now calling the tragedy.

The massacre of angles..

Why call them angles? The Thorn tribe saved many life's especially the kings daughter. The king was disgusted on what his people have done to a tribe that's done only good in this wretched world..
Making it better and giving people hope on..
But now.. he could only see red on his people... blood of angles.

Many sobbed that day..
People who were found guilty were punished making them fall into the grips of hell. No matter the tribes still saw good in the king, so they hold off. Sparing them, but many demanded apology for what they have done.
Many didn't see the reason to since it wasn't them right? But many understanded and did in shame.
Sicknesses started to spread like wild fire killing many asked the tribes for help, but most tribes pity them. Saying that this is karma. Coming straight at them in the throat and how they deserved every bit.. every drop, every millimeter.
Humans called them selfish.
Separating them once again..
Without the king knowing humans sneaked into the Blood horns clan and stole the leaders child.
Furious went to the kingdom. She tried to reason with the citizens and how this doesn't need to get bloody, but they attacked.
Horrible mistake...
Terrible mistake...
The leader of the Blood Horn clan was called..

The one woman army.

Known for taking army's down all by herself without breaking a sweat.
After the humans realized their mistake they accepted deafet and gave her child back to her. Her glare broke thourgh their ribcage it was almost like Satan was starring right into them.
The leader a friend with the king discussed what happened realizing the king never knew she accepted his apologies.
You might think that was it from this kingdom but you've been mistaken.
Heavily mistaken.
Humans didn't stop there oh no.
The humans were still very furious and idiotic..
They planned to go to the Bear Claws Tribe to take their treasures they seen the the leader with gold rings, bracelets, necklace's and etc. They envied the tribe for all they're riches. The king who over heard this raced down to the Bear Claws Tribe territory to tell them about the plan the Bear Claws Tribe leader thanks and started to plan their attack. The leader sent out there best solider to deal with the idiotic humans wanting them to feel the greatest of pain they deserved for all they're horrible deeds might as well call them sinners for sakes.
The leader felt no pity nothing she lost one of her greatest friends (the Throns Tribe leader) so they shall Pay. For all their sins they shall pay for all the lives they taken, they shall fall into the grips of hell like they deserved for centuries.

Many were ripped apart, split in half one of the most gruesome event in history none were left. None were spared none. Not a single person was left. People reported this to the king, but all he said was "they attacked in self defense... you made the first aggression, the first attack, the only ones you can blame is yourselves" many disagree with the king calling them the tribes devils the recreation of the devil, monsters many feared them day by day by day the humans and tribes were parted not even being able to look at each other absolutely disgusted by one another.
You can't blame them though the tribe leaders all lost dear friend, family to even put it that way the humans never saw them as an individual but was envying over them day by day by many things wealth, power, magical powers heck even their kids.
But no matter how much they try and defend them selves history will stay as history never being able to be changed.
Everything was normal humans and tribes not communicating at all till an individual came along not agreeing with how they interacted with one another they walked around gaining every single millimeter of information till they got the whole story about what happened they talked to the new king of the kingdom about it the king ignored them, so they talked it to the queen the queen understanded what they were comming from if this continues like this, it might be a bloody future ahead and for her people and the tribe she decided to talk to the king the king disagree, but after many attempts he finally agreed and they went to the tribes and gave them the long awaited apology saying that " we.. are people and everything we did along the line was foolish of us humans we have treated you with disrespect and we deeply apologize for what we and are people have done" they were skeptical, but decided.. a chance.. a chance.
When the citizens found out they protest saying this will doom them all, the queen was finally done. And gave a speech now known as 'Words Of The Wise'. "Who do you think started this? Us! We the humans! We killed. No extinct a fellow comrade who did nothing but kindness and spreading it across. But who ended them? Us! Who took the Blood Horn leaders child?! Us! Who wanted to attack the Bear Claw tribe to try and steal they're valuables?! Us! Don't you get all this started from us! open your eyes for bloody sake!" All of them stopped their complaints after having it yelled at their faces. The tribes walked around at first they glared murmured things but slowly they started to get friendly and more friendlier till they were friends they were able to finally get back on the bright path of future ahead taking down the hunters many still remain to this day. But now they live in peace.
Oh so they thought...
YEA this is the new book! I had to brainstorm a lot but hope you guys like this book.
Have a good day!

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