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Sans stared out the window, a dead willow tree stood infront of it. There were no leaves on it, leaving it bare. Sans had looked around, he didn't see the floating skeleton around. Without a second thought he used his elbow to hit the window, he started hitting it again and again. Till it broke open, his elbows were covered in gold blood. Before he could leap out something caught his neck and threw him at the wall. It took the wind out of Sans having heavy breathing trying to catch his breathe, two hands went between Sans' entrances totally cornering him, "your friends aren't coming sweety" Bill licked his lips staring at Sans' figure. Sans was now in a white kimono, which suited him beautifully. He lifted Sans' arms up to see that it was stained in blood now by the elbows. Bill sneered disdainfully.

Bill threw another white kimono at Sans, "change into that one." Bill had teleported Sans into a changing room. "Don't ruin this one." He growled before closing the door, Sans didn't have any cuffs on him, since it would be hard to change with them on. He started to take off his kimono, his bones were pale and small. His body was covered in flowers and thorns. He started to pull the new-fresh kimono on and placed it on him. It wasn't tied on the waist, he knocked on the door, which Bill answered, "what." He huffed before he saw Sans in the kimono, "can you tie the back?" A grin placed the Bill's features, as Sans turned and started to pull on it. Bill couldn't help, but grin. Sans has only been here for around 8 hours and he is already getting dirty images of him. Bill pulled pretty hard, making it quite tight. But Sans didn't seemed to notice or care. Bill made a bow in the back before turning Sans over, Sans stared at him.

"You look great in the kimono, y'know?" Sans silently nod, as Bill made the cuffs appear again. There were holes for Sans' wings to pop out, Sans opened his wings slightly having them be stretched a bit. Bill grazed his hand over the wings, "your wings are comfy" He forcefully grabbed a fluff of feathers, Sans just nodded. When Bill let go of the tuff of feathers, he hugged Sans from his back.


The black door towards the monochrome's room was burst opened. Grabbed something that was in sword cover that protected it. He placed it at his side. The Purlently flower stood on his desk infront of the window, it had grown much more since he was given it. He walked over and grabbed a near by cup filled with water. He slowly poured the water in the dirt, making sure no dirt was untouched. The Purlently flower would always stay a special of heart. I mean it was the first thing Sans has given and also started a wonderful friendship, maybe even more. Cross couldn't wait to see Sans, and beat up Bill. That fuck face.
"Cross c'mon! We're ready to go!" Killer's desperate voice was heard with also banging on his door. Cross didn't answer, he grabbed a necklace, it was black and white. A Ninyang, in his tribe it's a good luck charm. He stared back at the Purlently flower. Anger fueled him, Sans might be getting tortured or maybe even raped by this guy, Nightmare told him Bill would probably get very interested in Sans. Which opened a horrifying door of what Bill could do.

He opened the door with charm in his hand, he squeezed it. If looks could kill this whole fucking house would crash down. There was a pat on Cross' back, Cross stopped and looked towards his side, Dream. "Phoenix said he would send someone to our aid since he can't come. Nightmare already told him the area on where Bill might be, so the person would show up later on." Cross slightly rolled his eye-lights. When they reached outside Killer was decked out in equipment, with a serious glare. "C'mon get your dragon slow ass!" Killer had yelled. Cross could practically see the anger fall off Killer, he is one of the goofy types so its pretty rare to see him so serious.

Nightmare, Error and Farm were on the far right, while Red and Lust strategizing. Everyone was so serious, "Farm are you sure you want to come?" Dream's concerned voice reached Farm who only laughed, "you know I can fight Dream, I could also be used as backup too." Dream nodded, but didn't look fully convinced, "Dream everyone here can fight and tha' good enough," Red budded in not even glancing the look away from his map, Dream nodded, "I know but Farm isn't your condition bad already?" Farm gave a big happy laugh, "Sans fix it so far, look" Farm had slightly pulled up his shirt enough where you can see ribs not covered in vines, which stunned Dream and some others, "how?" Farm rubbed the back of his skull, "not sure, he said it was death magic." Nightmare seemed impressed, "I thought only the Death Seekers knew death magic." Dream covered his mouth his hand. "Well, I guess not..." Killer had budded in annoyingly, "I get it death magic is cool, but what about Sans' safety?" Everyone nodded in agreement Cross brought his hand to his mouth making a high pitch whistle.

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