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"And the champion is..."

"Cross! For the Ninyang Clan!"

Many applauded him, while some looked at him with disgust.
Killer and dream were celebrating in the back.
"Good job Cross!" Dream smiled gently.
Killer jumped putting his arm around Cross's bony neck.
"That's another coming home!"
While walking thourgh the town square people looked at them in great wonder and disgust Cross being a well known dragon racer, his dragon already at home.
"Are you Cross the dragon racer!?" Little children running up to the trio, Cross nodded their eyes becoming sparkles. "Can we get your autograph!" Holding paper in their tiny soft hands with feathered pens. He picked them up and wrote his name on, giving it back to the children "here you go" putting them back in the soft hands.
"Thank you! mommy! Guess what!" As they ran away jumping up and down.
Continuing their walk many started murmuring.

         "Its Cross!"
                                "Who the other two?"
                                                                           "So beautiful!"
     "If only he weren't a monster.."

The last one coming from a shopkeeper. Triggering Killer.
"Well to bad.. suck it up! You bloody bastard!"
Cross pulled killer away and apologize, which made Killer even more pissed "Why should you be apologizing?!" Killer yelled.
"There's nothing we can do about.. doing that is going to make it worse.." Killer clicked his tongue. After making it out the town square making to their home something that made it stand out is that it was built thourgh a boat that was already there, making more space and making it way more cooler opening the wooden door, creaking in the process.
"You better have won.." the voice coming from a goopy skeleton reading near the fireplace. "Of course he did!"
Killer yelled. "Keep it down."Nightmare groaned. Killer grabbed the trophy out of Cross's hands and put it with all the others that have been won by him, in the glass case.
The other glass belongings to Red who has been on a wining streak, him also being a well known champion in fighting.
"Brother? Were you able to find what you were looking for?" Dream gently closed the door behind him, then looking outside at the garden the flowers delicately swaying in the wind it can be memorizing. "Yes. I did."
"What were you looking for that so important brother?"
He sighed and walked out of the room Then back with something in his bony hands. "Whats that?" Killer dazed at the weird object, "it's a telepoter that doesn't work anymore" Dream took a closer look. "If it doesn't work then why find it?" Nightmare shaked the dust off "because.. Sci said he might be able to make replacement or a replica." Dreams pupils light up in wonder. "That's so cool brother!" Nightmare nodded and frowned from the positive effect.
"Bruh! I saw you on the TV! And you were Epic! Bruh!" Epic sliding on the floor grabbing Cross under his arm to give him a noogie, "Okay! okay! Cut it out!" Cross slipped out of the grasp, of the purple clad skeleton.
"Quiet down.. I'm trying to sleep.." A skeleton in ahood with multicolored pupils came out of the depths of the dark hallway, then grabbing a cigarette lighting it with a lighter then putting in his mouth. "C-Cross?" A skeleton in a science  lab coat came out, who automatically stutters sometimes in due of habbit."yea Sci?" The skeleton coming out with a piece of paper in hand.
"Can you get me and F-Farm these ingredients?" Giving the paper to Cross looking at them. "Sure."
"You don't need to do them n-now just soon" he chuckled.
"Also good j-job in the race" he smiled before going back in the depths of his lab.

The sun being so bright to where he had to cover his sockets with his hands. Thousands of feet high up in the air since to be riding on his dragon that was given to him at birth.
"Damn.. its nice out here isn't it?" As he softly grazed the dragons neck as it puffs smoke the clouds overhead spreaded across the sky, if only he was able to touch them. Every kid has asked themselves 'can I hold a cloud?' He always wondered what was up there..
If only-
A bullets zoomed by them cutting his cheek more came in their direction. "What the-" a bullet zoomed thourgh the dragon's wing and out, as it screeched in pain as glided/falled down to the trees and landing down, tossing Cross in the process as Cross tumbled to the floor and groaned from the impact.
Looking back his dragon started to light and slowly became smaller and smaller till it looked like a child. He picked it up when he looked around to take in his surroundings, as he heard dim voices "cmon! It must've landed here somewhere!" Cross started running to anywhere honestly, he didn't know where he was going he justed wanted to get out of there, he kept running till he heard no more voices nor feet stomping the earth floor.
"Are.. you okay?" Cross catching his breath as he looked at the winged creature that was now the size of his arm.
No answer.
It's still alive that's for sure just not doing great. He walked not knowing where, just not the best time to stay in one spot he looked around tiredly and in awe it looked like a fairytale.
(I mean.. isn't he already in one???)
All the leaves shining thourgh the sun leaves in the shades of green, but with different sizes. It was memorizing and magical.
Flying creatures flew across the sky if only it was always like this quiet and peaceful.
Then he looked up a figure was sitting on the earth floor as it was picking thourgh a bush that had berries, Cross looked at his list it was the same berries he needed first he inspected the figure.
Not the tallest with a light, dim blue jacket with a white T-shirt and shorts something that made him I guess 'strange' is his eye-sockets they looked so dull, plain, non living..
He had vines with flowers across his skeletal figure with wings.
I haven't seen anything like that before as he stared in awe he looked gorgeous, still snapped out of his thoughts and kept looking at the figure memorized by it the figure looked up with its dull pupils to see the dust hiding behind a tree looking to him which made Cross flinch.
He moved his bony hand indicating to come over which he obeyed sitting down next to it.
"Uh hi- wait what are doing! wait!" The figure took the dragon from the monochrome skeleton's bony hands places it down on the earth floor.
Cross was about to do something till a blue bright arose from the figures hands then to the dragon..
Is he healing it?
Cross watched in awe, the light begins to fade as it gets dimer, and dimer, and dimer till it was nothing.
Yawning was heard from the dragon as it started to jump around and nuzzle Cross and the Figure as he gave a Hickle berrie that is known to ease the pain and be used to cure many sicknesses not to mention it's sweet with a dim bit of sourness. "Uh- um thank you.." the figure nodded and started picking the berries again, Cross joined in.
"So.. what's your name?" The figure paused and stayed silent "Sans.." Sans voiced sounded so plain.. so dead.. but Cross didn't judge. " Well hello Sans my name is Cross" putting his skeletal hand out. Which Sans took.
After awhile.. a sunset accrued. " How am I going to get back? I'm lost!?" He groaned as he laid flat on the the earth's surface Sans stands up, curious Cross stands up til
Sans wings started to make him rise. Cross thought he would fly away stranded.
But oh he was wrong.
In an instant he got picked up by his hands and started to float for awhile, till Sans burst in strength as he flew up in the sky in high breeze.
"Wow.. this is so cool!" Cross shouted. Classic started flying around.
"When you see something that reminds you. Tell me." In his usual dead voice, Cross nodded as Sans started to fly around the colors of the hue from the sun making it more magical.
It felt like a dream something that Cross would never of wanted to wake up from with the cold breeze making his bony cheeks glazed in a hue.
After a while Cross found the house he so treasured that held many memories. With a peaceful landing Sans was about to go till Cross stopped him.
"Could we meet again?" Cross scratched the back of his skull with a bead of sweat run down. Sans nodded and was about to take flight till Cross stopped him again.
"At the same spot?" Sans nodded his head again and waved good bye. Cross did the same. As a big gush of wind hit the earth's floor and he was gone.
"Cool I got a new friend.. I'm going to have to ask Nightmare about the wings and vines though.." he chuckled and opened the door and closed it.

Hey my dudes!
I had so much fun doing this!
And I hope you have fun reading this!
Hope you don't have a BLUE day.
(Sorry needed to add a pun..)

The_Kingdom_In_The_Sky - (Sanses au X Classic Sans)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora