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Sunlight dimmed the window, spreading across the room of white and black, the sunlight moved across speeding it's way to the skeleton in the white bed with a cross on it.
Cross's sockets fluttered open, slowly he got up looking around the room he stretched his arms making pop sounds he sighed as he was finally aware what was happening he looked towards the flower, the Purlently at the window. A peice of paper was laying there that wasn't there before.
He got up and picked the peice of paper and started to unfold it making sure not to tear it till it was fully open.

Dear Cross

I won't be able to visit or meet up with you or any of your friends for a week, reason being that I got to help mother at home. Hope you understand don't worry I will be available next week see you till next week.

From sans

A frown peeked on Cross's face he was so ready for him to introduce him to his friends, especially Sci.
He sighed with a hint of sadness being heard.
He walked through the hall creaks sounding out every step he took filling the silence.
Creak, Creak, Creak.
Then he climbed down the stairs reaching to the bottom as he was fully tackled to the ground "Bruh! What took you so long!?" He smiled as the skeleton with a purple hood and scar started to nuggie him.
'Atleast I can start to spend some time with my friends' Cross thought as he was looking at the bright side even though it seemed like there wasn't a bright side to it at all.
"Epic calm down Cross just woke up" a familiar voice sounding out. "Okay bruh!" Epic jumped up and started running to the kitchen making Dream chuckle as Cross started to dust himself off. "He acts just like a child" Dream smiled at the thought.
"Um Sans isn't comming" Dream turned suprised. "Why?" "He has to help his mom at home, we won't see him for a week" Dream looked down in sadness, but slowly lighting up again. "Well, at least we can spend time with our friends right?" Cross nodded he started off to the science lab.
He looked in to see the skeleton in a lab coat testing out the Peltadim, before Cross was able to start Sci beaten him to it. "Dream said you met someone who g-gave him a S-Sunnnybloom do you know this person?" Cross walked in the lab Sci looked at him curious and serious "they were supposed to be here, but you will be Abel to see him tomorrow.." Sci nodded then started another question. " how did he find it ?" Cross thought about. "Well, he had a see-" "had a Sunnybloom seed?" Startling, Cross just nodded. "Sunnybloom seeds haven't discovered yet..." Sci stated Cross was surprised/not surprised.
"All yall get your asses over here now!" A voice yelled out ringing across the walls and surfaces.

"What took yall slow asses here? Hm?" A edgy skeleton in an apron that said 'fuck off' "why do you wear that apron Razz, just why?" The skeleton rolled his pupils "because I can." Cross just sighed in response.
Cross could feel a arm wrap around his neck slowly choking him.
"C'mon yah wimp" a skeleton in a red turtle neck with gold chain holding the monochrome skeleton by the collar showing his strength, the monochrome skeleton just sighed.
"I'm here darlings~" the voice belonging to someone slowly coming out of the hall, in a pink fluffy coat and in a black crop top with a pink/purple heart, also black pants.
Razz was cursing when he came in.
(This version of Lust he doesn't act sexual to the sanses just flirt with them)
Everyone sat at the table somehow fitting most of them "so someone is coming tomorrow" Dream fiddled with his fork not making eye contact with the other sanses.
"Are they cute?" Lust smiled as he saw a yellow hue barely pop on the skeleton in yellow, "if someone is comming I want this house clean, spotless got it?" Razz giving big mother vibes as everyone nodded. "They are very knowledgeable about plants, animals, rocks, medicine, etc." Sci started to take interest in this person, "is it the person that you brought last night?" A voiced pitched in making Cross and Dream flinch, turning then realizing who it was made them understand/don't understand a shadow like creature came sliding out of the shadows "you saw brother" Dream questioned, "you really think I wouldn't" Dream then lowered his head, Nightmare sighed, "all I saw was figure though.."Nightmare then put a hand under his chin.
Dust then got up and ran to the bathroom Killer sighed as he went to help Dust, "is Dust getting better?" Dream asked concerned, "yes, it's just happening more and I don't know why..." Sci stated before Killer yelled, "Um guys... can you come..." everyone went to the bathroom to find blood puddles on the floor with clumps of blood next to them, Killer was rubbing the back of the skeleton who started to cough blood was dripping down his mouth seeping into his clothes "I will get the medicine!" With that Sci ran to his lab, "yah guys said that your friend knows medicine right?" Cross nodded, "will he help Dust" Red went over to Dust who was calming down, "he can heal/revive living things when he comes next week I'll ask.." Cross never knew that Dust was having it this bad...
'What a good friend I am..." The thought made him feel sorrows clutter up inside him not just sorrow, but guilt as well... I mean who wouldn't when they never knew their friend was suffering...
Sci came back with the medicine, opening it he placed it at the lips of the hooded skeleton, which he took some, but not all Sci then closed it. "Do you want us to inform your tribe?" Dust shaked his head [no] "do you want us to call Horror?" Dust thought about it, "that would be nice.." Sci smiled and nodded as he then went to his lab to communicate with Horror in.

The_Kingdom_In_The_Sky - (Sanses au X Classic Sans)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin