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(Long chapter)

"Do you want to go to the Kingdom Dance with me!?"

"The what?"

"The Kingdom Dance... do you not know it?" Sans shook his head no. Dream sighed in disappointment he thought it would be nice and quick, guess not, "the Kingdom Dance is celebrated by my Kingdom every 5 years, to celebrate the night and day." Sans seemed intrigued as he extended his face closer, Dream flinched and backed up a bit as beads of sweat fell, "Tell me about it." Sans moved his skull back as Dream calmed down a bit, "well there's six dances 3 for the day and 3 for the Night, since I am on the Day side of of Kingdom I Dance one of day dances. Since Nightmare is on the night side, he will Dance one of the Night dances. But he mostly doesn't join, same with Heilos and Phoenix."

"Why?" Dream nervously looked towards the floor, "well, for two reasons, one, because alot of people ask them to Dance with them. Two, is because they hate mom and dad." Dream seemed quite sad from it.
He always wanted them to be happy, but it was so hard. Especially with what they have gone thourgh.

"I was actually going to ask him."

Voice sent shivers down Dream's spines as he looked from the voice to be shocked on who it was. Nightmare.
"I thought you didn't like going..." Nightmare rolled his pupils as as a smiled peered on his face, "but, I thought you always wanted me to go..." Dream looked down in guilt, it was true, Nightmare gave a disdainful look towards Dream before putting his attention on Sans.
"So, would you go with me or Dream?" Nightmare decided to take this chance to learn more about this, Individual, his likes, dislikes, taste anything.. Dream looked back some anger was seen in his expressions, which made Nightmare chuckled in amusement, "I asked him first!" Nightmare didn't give any attention as he still stared at Sans, "well, I-" he was cut off by a hiss from Nightmare as he looked behind him as his eye-socket twitched.

Dream also looked annoyed after he saw who it was. "Why did you get here first before us?" Phoenix's wings brightened the dark hallway, making Nightmare hiss more, it reminded Sans of a black cat. Heilos was then also behind Phoenix, he also looked somewhat annoyed, Lucifer was also quite intrigued, Nightmare growled, they knew this was a perfect time to get close towards the skeleton, they ruined his plan. Phoenix moved towards Sans, he lifted his chin with his index finger which had a ring that was connected to other rings on his fingers, Sans just noticed, "so which one, darling?" Nightmare grimaced as he made very much a distance away from Phoenix now near Dream. Anything to get away from that.
"Well, there's a problem with that."

This caught all their attention, Sans had all eyes on him he had a bead of sweat fall down, "I don't know how to dance." There was a pause before they all spoke in usion, "I can teach you!" They all glared at one another, "well, before any of us teach you, you ain't going to dance with rock solid wings." Hands picked up Sans, Heilos then walked away with him.

In the living room, Sans was sitting on Heilos's lap as he brushed his wings. It was nice. Heilos was good too, delicately stroking the white wings with the brush. Sans's legs swayed back and forth, he looked like a toddler, "how come your wings are this bad?" Sans hummed, "I didn't think you had to brush wings."
It became quiet again as Sans inspected the room, till a question bubbled in his head, "Do you guys hate the rulers of the Night and Day kingdom?".
Heilos sighed. "We do." There was a sound of anger and somewhat sadness, "can I ask why?"

Heilos slowed on his brushing, "well, they were barely in our lives, but expected so much from us." Heilos would then lift the wings up to brush another part of it, "did someone leave first?" It sounded rude, but Sans was just too curious, "Shatter, he left first, then Phoenix, Lucifer, me, then finally. Nightmare." Sans was intrigued more and more, "why?" Heilos stopped before sigh, "why ask so many questions?" Sans just shrugged, "I just do."

The_Kingdom_In_The_Sky - (Sanses au X Classic Sans)Where stories live. Discover now