Chapter Seven: The Unexpected Couple

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Dean's POV

After Cas and I kissed for the first time, I thought for sure I was going to date the guy. "But, of course! He just had to say maybe." I thought with a groan as I tapped my foot against the floor, annoyed as the teacher went on and on with her lecture.
"Mr. Winchester?" She asked, bringing my attention to her.
"What?" I asked, crossing my arms and facing her. She sighed.
"Were you even listening to me, Dean?"
I shook my head. "No, sorry.. There's just... Something- no, someone, on my mind." I said with a sigh. Everyone in the classroom laughed and she quickly hushed them.
"Dean, please keep your private affairs to yourself. And please, pay attention for once." She said, sighing. I nodded, and apologized half-sincerely.
After class had ended, I walked toward the front of the building to wait for Gabe, since we had practice that afternoon. After he didn't show up for several minutes, I went back inside the school to look for him.
"Gabe? Dude, seriously, where the hell are you..?" I asked with a groan as I walked into the boys' locker room. I heard faint sounds of moaning and slurping, which made me shiver. "What the-" I didn't finish my sentence. For what I saw was too damn hilarious.

Castiel's POV

As I walked through the school after my tutoring session with a few students, I passed by the locker room. I heard Dean's voice, which made me curious. He was laughing, and I guessed that someone else was in there with him. I peeked inside, and saw Dean on the floor, laughing so hard he couldn't breathe. In the corner, Gabriel was standing facing the wall, and was hiding himself from Dean's gaze. Someone was in front of him though, sitting on the bench.
"Gabe? Dean? What's going on?" I asked, confused as to what had just happened. Dean just continued to laugh, and Gabe covered his face with his hands. His ears were redder than I've ever seen them. "Who's that in front of you, Gabe?" He sighed, and moved his head slightly, so I could see the mystery person. It was Dean's brother, Sam.
"Huh? Gabe, what were you doing with him?" I asked. "And why's your face so red?"
Gabe sighed again, and turned around, standing with his backside covering Sam. "I.. We.. We were making out, Cas."
"With Sam?" I was indeed confused then. He nodded, and Dean laughed harder.
"My baby brother, getting action from my best friend... Pfft!" He said inbetween laughs, rolling side to side on the floor, dirtying his red letterman.
"Cas, understand this.. I-I uh.. I wouldn't do this with a-anyone.. I-I like Sam-Squatch." He said, turning redder as he admitted it.
"Hah! Raise your hand if your brother's a homo!" Dean said, laughing as he slowly raised his shaky hand. I chuckled a little as well, and raised my hand as I helped Dean to his feet. Gabe and Sam sat there in silence, and embarrassment.
Dean and I walked out of the locker room, and went into the canteen, awaiting for our idiotic brothers to rejoin us for Dean and Gabe's practice.
Practice dragged on, boring Sam and I as we studied for math and science together. He brought upon new knowledge to me about Biology, and I helped him with some Algebra equations.
"So, what does x equal?" I asked, wanting to make sure Sam got the question right. He scrunched up his face, and thought hard about my question. He sighed, then answered.
I nodded and smiled, giving him a pat on the back. "Great job, Sam. It only took you.. Two and a half hours to finish this study guide." I said with a chuckle. He rolled his eyes, and ruffled my hair.
"Thanks anyhow, Cas."
"Ello Cassie~" a creepy familiar voice said, as it approached Sam and I. It was that Crowley guy from yesterday.
"Ugh, what do you want, Crowley? Dean isn't available to bother at the moment. Come back later when he can kick your ass." Sam said with a grunt. "Does he know him?" I thought, wondering why Sam was being like that to him.
Crowley rolled his eyes, and grinned. "I'm here for Cassie, Moose." He said with a smirk as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders as he sat beside us.
"Leave me alone, Crowley." I said, crossing my arms firmly across my chest. Crowley laughed, and ruffled my hair roughly.
"C'mon Cassie, I'm not gunna do anything, I swear to ya." He said, emphasizing that stupid accent of his. Sam stood up, and reached out a hand toward me.
"Let's go, Cas." He said calmly, as he looked over my shoulder. I tried turning my head, but Sam stopped me with a whisper. "Dean and Gabe are coming. If Dean sees Crowley all over you, he'll beat'em to a pulp. Not that I don't want him to.. But, we really shouldn't cause trouble."
I nodded in reply, and took his offered hand, and stood up. Crowley pouted, and sat there as we walked over toward Dean and Gabe.

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