Chapter Fourteen: The Date Disaster?

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(still) Sam's POV

A couple days later, on Friday, I was expecting for Crowley to text me during lunch or something so we could meet up and talk. But, I never received anything. I really hoped he wasn't planning on making our little "date" on Saturday. I was really looking forward to going to the movies with Gabe. He was too, he told me every time we hung out, and every time I saw him. It was a little annoying after a while, but eventually it was kinda cute.


After sixth period, I was packing up my things, shutting off my laptop, the normal routine. And once again, Crowley and his boys showed up. This time, Crowley had a pop from the machine downstairs, that he kept open on the tables beside the computers. I hesitated to throw it away, seeing that he might get angry or do something stupid, like spilling it. So, I just stood there and stared at him for a moment until he spoke up.

"Moose, change of plans."


"You and I are going. Alone. Tonight." He said, taking a swig of the pop. I sighed.

"Fine, Crowley. But like I said, no funny-business. I swear if you do anything to cause me and Gabe to break up, or something even worse than that, I will ask Dean and Gabe to rally up the football team. And they will come after you."

(I didn't actually know if Gabe and Dean could possibly do that, but I'd think they would since they'd do anything to protect Cas, since Dean practically demanded them to.)

Crowley nodded and smiled at me. "Can we go now, Moose? Shakie's is open by now, and I doubt there'll be many people there." He said, extending out a hand to me. I groaned and grabbed his hand, letting myself be dragged down the hall.


At Shakie's, Crowley had actually been telling the truth. There was hardly anybody there, and if there was, it was just some older people, or a couple college kids.

We went up to the counter, and I stared at the menus for a bit, wondering what to get, and if I even had enough money for it. Crowley then nudged me, and I looked down, seeing that he had a wallet practically stuffed with cash. I wondered where he had gotten so much money from, but I just ignored it, and whispered to him, "You really don't have to pay for me, I have enough money..."

He chuckled and shook his head. "This is a date, Moose." He whispered back, standing on his toes so he could reach my ears. "I'll pay, and you can eventually repay me."

"How?" I asked, hoping it was something reasonable.

"You'll see." He said with a grin, and turned back to the lady at the counter, and ordered us our milkshakes.


After we sat down, he and I actually had an interesting conversation. It turned out that we actually had a lot of things in common. He and I both enjoyed reading articles on different issues involving the paranormal, demons, angels, etcetera. I actually had somebody to discuss my beliefs and opinions with. It was nice. I originally thought it was going to be a disaster, filled with awkward silence, weird flirting, but it turned out to be pretty nice.


After Crowley and I left Shakie's, we took a walk through the park, since he said he lived a couple blocks behind it. We continued our uninterrupted conversation, discussing more on demons. He said he believed in demons, Hell, all those things. But he didn't know what to believe about angels. I told him some things I had researched before, discussing that angels live among us, in vessels, they were called, and protected humans by fighting off demons and other supernatural entities. Crowley seemed amazed, and kept listening to me talk. Normally, anybody else would've tuned me out by then. It felt nice to get all of that information off my chest.


When we got to his house, we sat on his porch and finished up the major point of our conversation, and laughed about some things that had happened at school instead. But, after it started to get dark out, I realized that I had a long way to walk home. Crowley insisted that he could take me back, since it didn't matter what time he came home at night, but I just shook my head and thanked him for the night. But, I remembered that I had to repay him somehow. He just smiled at me, kissed my cheek, then went inside his house. I had mixed feelings about that, and sighed, heading on the long trek home.

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