Chapter Three: Apologies and Geometry

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Dean's POV

"Thanks alot, Gabe. You pissed him off! Damn it, I actually like him you dick!" I grunted as Gabe and I walked to our science class. He shrugged and apologized.

"Dean-o, it's nothing. He'll be hurt for a while, but he'll get over it eventually."

"But then he'll never talk to me again. He hates me now, all thanks to you and that stupid dare."

"Dean, buddy, it'll be fine, really. Just apologize and he'll probably forgive you."

"I can't count on that, Gabe! But, I will apologize to him." I sighed, and sat down in my seat.

A few minutes into class, my teacher tapped me on the shoulder.

"Dean, you are wanted in the Guidance office."

"Oh, uh ok." I said, and left the room. As I walked into the office, Castiel was standing in there, chatting with the guidance counselor. I looked over at them for a second, then Ms. B called me over there.

"Dean, you know Castiel Novak, correct?" she asked as I walked in. I sighed and nodded. Cas gave me a dirty look, then turned toward Ms. B.

"Why uh, did you call us here, exactly?" Cas asked, fixing his glasses.

"Well, Castiel, I know you were an honor student in the past, and already after two days in school, you have the highest test scores.." she said, trailing off a bit. Cas blushed a little from embarrassment, and I had to admit, it was pretty cute. "Anyways, I thought since Dean doesn't have the best grades, I thought I can have you tutor him, and he'll attend your class from now on."

"What?! Ms. B! I uh-"

"Is there a problem with that?" she asked in a stern tone that made Cas jump. He quickly shook his head.

"N-no... Not at all Ms. B..."

"Good." she said with a little smile. She then turned to me. "Do you have any objections, Mr. Winchester?"

"Nope." I said confidently. She smiled again, and laughed.

"You two will get along fine!"

"I hope so...." I thought with a sigh as Cas and I left the room. I walked behind him, following him down the hall. He grunted and turned around, making me bump into him.

"Dean, is there a reason why you're following me?" He asked in a huff. "Shit... he's still pissed." I thought with a sigh, as I tried to think of something to say back.

"Uh, my class is in this hallway too..." I replied. He rolled his eyes, and crossed his arms.

"Really? Or are you following me because you have some stupid apology to say?" He asked in a questioning tone. "Damn, he's good..."

"No, I mean, my class really is this way, but uh.. I would like to apologize."

"Fine. Apologize so you never have to talk to me again."

"Cas... I-"

"Don't call me that. Only my friends and Gabe calls me that. Call me Castiel."

"Oh, sorry Castiel. Look I um... I'm really sorry about earlier. I didn't do it to embarrass you or anything."

"Then why'd you take the dare, Dean?" He asked sternly, sounding even more pissed than before.

"Because I do like you, Castiel. I really do." I said with a small sigh. He gasped a little, and looked up at me.

"You're lying..."

"No I'm not! I swear! Cas, I like you. I do." I practically yelled as I said that. It made Cas jump, and blush.

"Ok ok, I get it. Don't yell in the hallways..." He said as his face turned red. I smiled, and ruffled his hair. He pushed my hand away, and scoffed.

"Hmph. Even if you are telling the truth, I somehow can't believe you."

"Will this help?" I asked, and I lightly kissed his cheek. He turned even redder and backed away from me slightly. I chuckled. "Did that get the message across?"


"Haha, good." I said with a smile. He grunted, and turned to start walking to his class. I followed behind. "Does this mean you're not pissed off anymore..?"

"Yes Dean, I'm not angry. Just.. Disappointed." Cas said with a sigh as he ducked into his classroom. I facepalmed, and felt extremely upset with myself at that point.

After school, me and Gabe met up in the front entrance like usual as we waited for Cas. Gabe elbowed me and smiled.

"Yo Dean-o, did you and Cassie make up yet?"

"Not entirely. But he does forgive me." I said with a little smile. Gabe laughed, and punched my shoulder playfully.

"Good for you, Dean-o. You're making progress."

"I guess so... How about you and Miranda? How's that going?"

"Not good. She cheated on me with her ex, and they're getting back together.

"Oh.. She used you, Gabe." I laughed. "Oh wow, you're more gullible than me!"

"Shut up Dean. You can't even get a date with a guy none the less."

"That's because your brother is as stubborn as a mule."

"Nah, more like an abused little puppy." He said with a chuckle.

"Geez, don't talk about me like I'm not even here..." a familiar voice said behind us. We turned around, and Cas was standing there with his arms crossed.

"Oh! Sorry Cas, we didn't see you..." I said with a nervous laugh. Cas scoffed and grabbed Gabe's arm.

"Let's go home already, Gabe...."

"Huh? No Cas, I can't. I have practice. You'll have to stay here with me."

"What? Why? I'm not a little kid anymore Gabriel!" Cas whined. "You sure as hell sound like one.." I thought with sigh. Gabe patted Cas on the head, and laughed.

"Ok ok, if you want to go home, then be my guest. But don't call me later, crying and whining that you're lonely or that you hear strange noises." he scoffed. Cas looked at him, and had a saddened look on his face.

"Fine.. I'll stay here and watch your stupid practice..." he said with a sigh. Gabe grinned and squeezed him. "Dean-o, looks like we'll have an audience today." he chuckled. I nodded and smiled.

"Prepare to be amazed, Castiel Novak." I said with a smirk. Cas turned away from me and crossed his arms.

Practice was long and boring as usual, but somehow.. I felt more confident than usual. I thought about it on the way home.

Sam immediately noticed my weirdness as soon as I walked in the house.

"Dude, what's wrong with you lately?" he asked as he shut his laptop.

"Huh?" I shook my head, snapping out of my trail of thoughts.

"Dean, you've been like this since yesterday. What's wrong with you this time?"

"What? Oh uh, nothing's wrong. I just... Got a lot on my mind ok?"

"Oh really? Or is it another girlfriend problem?"

"More like boyfriend... " I said with a sigh. Sam had a shocked look on his face after I said that.

"No way. Dean? You swing for both teams? Holy shit."

"Shut your face, Sammy. So what if I like a guy? You gonna brag about it?"

"No Dean, I'm not trying to be rude or anything. It's just... Surprising that's all,,," He said with a sigh. "Who's the lucky guy anyways?"

"The new kid."


"No, dumbass. The other one."

"Castiel? He um...Doesn't seem like your type Dean."

"He is my type! I wouldn't want to date someone like me! It would drive me insane!" I raised my voice a little too high when I said that, making Sam laugh. He just stood there and laughed as I walked away, my thoughts still filled with new opportunities.

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