Chapter Nine: Two Rights Do Equal a Wrong

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Dean's POV

I couldn't believe what Cas said. "He doesn't know? What the hell kind of relationship have we built up until now?" I thought, feeling hurt by what Cas was saying. It was as if this whole time, he and I were nothing but friends that kissed.

"Well, you've gotta make up your mind some time, Cassie." Crowley said with a snicker, as he pat Cas on the shoulder. I grew angry, wanting to hit that grease-ball right between his big, stupid nose.
Cas looked down, and his glasses hid his eyes. I couldn't tell if he was upset or not. But, it definitely seemed like it.

"Cas, look, you don't have to decide now," I began, wanting him to not feel so pressured about this. He looked back up at us, then down again, twiddling his thumbs shyly and nervously. I hoped he hadn't decided yet.

"I-I'm sorry Dean, b-but I pick Crowley.." He said softly. My heart dropped. I.. I couldn't believe it. I lost to Crowley. Again.

Crowley laughed, and picked Cas up, twirling him around. Cas smiled softly, and went along with it. It seemed like he was having fun. And that broke my heart even more.

"Maybe I'm not cut out to date him.." I thought with a sigh, and I started walking away, wanting to go home and wallow in my broken heart's pain. Sam followed, and tried to make me feel better, but I wasn't in the mood. I told him I'd meet him at home, and I ran off, wanting to be alone. Even if it was only for a while.

Castiel's POV

After I looked over Crowley's shoulder and saw that Dean had left, I began to feel terrible about my decision. But.. I had to do it. It would've ended badly if I didn't. I looked up at Crowley, and pulled away from his grasp, sighing a little. He gently lifted my chin with his index finger, and made me look into his eyes. They were... Odd. A dark shade of red, which.. Wasn't normal. After I stared for a second, he spoke up.

"You did excellent, Cassie. Dean-o and Sammy will be safe from now on, as promised. Now, all you have to do it put up your end of the bargain. Alright?"

I nodded, and looked down. "Yes, Crowley."

"Great!" He said as he turned to walk away. "Would you like to join me and my boys for a shake or something? My treat."

I perked back up a little, and smiled at his kindness. I nodded, and went along with him, getting to know his boys on the way. And... To my surprise, they're weren't as bad as everyone said they were.


A few weeks later, everything was going smoothly, as if nothing happened. Except for the fact that Dean didn't talk to me or see me anymore. Sam and Gabe were still there for me though, and supported my decision. I was glad I still had them. But.. A part of me wished Dean was there too.

A couple hours after school ended on Friday, Crowley and I went to see a movie at the drive-in, in the next town over. I had never been there before, so it was a new experience for me. And it was fun for a while. But.. It went downhill fast right at the middle intermission of the movie. Crowley's attitude changed entirely. He was rude and rough with me.

"Cassie, c'here a minute, will ya?" He asked, patting his lap with a soft grin. I nodded, and crawled over into his lap, facing him.

"What?" I asked, curious as to why he wanted me to sit this way. He smirked, and leaned down, kissing me with slight force. It felt different than the kiss Dean gave me weeks before. It was forceful and rough, and I hated it. I tried pushing him away, but he just kept a tight grip on my back and kept my torso controlled as he started to bite and suck on my neck. It hurt, so I begged him to stop. He never did. I struggled and tried wiggling my way out of his grasp, but his arms were too strong and they were squeezing me too tight. I fell back after I was finally free, and hit the horn on the steering wheel, making it blare. People around us started yelling and complaining. I jolted forward, and looked up at Crowley. He seemed angry with me. "C-Crowley, I-I'm sorry, I swear I didn't-" I stopped, unable to speak, as I felt his hand slap me across the face. He pushed me back into my seat, and started the car, driving off. I just sat there, pulled my knees up to my chest, and cried. He scoffed, and continued to drive.

"That's for embarrassing me. Do something like that again, and it'll be worse." He said, as he turned, and spit on my shirt sleeve. I nodded, and wiped my tears, my cheek still stinging from the pain. "Oh quit crying already. I didn't even hit you that hard." He growled, snorting as he turned back toward the wheel. I sniffled, and tried to stop, but the tears kept coming.

After we got back into town, he took me to his place, where he hit me again for crying. I didn't know what to do with myself after. He just pushed me out of his house, and told me to go home. I nodded, but as I turned to leave, he grabbed my shoulder.

"If anyone finds out, he's dead. And so are you." He said sternly, then went back inside, slamming the door behind him. I sniffled, and wiped my tears, hoping that Gabe and the rest of my family were asleep by then.


I successfully snuck inside, and went upstairs into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I started sobbing as I turned on the faucet, and scrubbed away the pain as I showered. After I dried off, I applied my sister's makeup to all the bruises and cuts I had from Crowley's beatings. Then, I went into my room, turned off the lights, and went to sleep, dreaming horrible things that may come with this relationship I shouldn't have agreed upon in the first place.

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