Chapter Eleven: Cas's Negotiation

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Dean's POV

"Look Dean-o, I'll make a deal with you." Crowley said in between deep breaths he took, as he tried to regain most of his air back. I set him down, but kept an eye on him, closely.

"A deal? With you? I'd rather not. That's like making a deal with the devil." I said with a scoff. Crowley laughed.


"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, raising an eyebrow slightly. He chuckled and snickered.

"Oh nothing. Are you ready to hear my deal pitch or what?" he asked, leaning back against the sink behind him, pulling out a cigarette from his coat pocket. I took it from him, and smashed it with the toe of my sneakers.

"Yeah, dirtbag. Let's hear it so I can take Cas to the nurse asap." I said, not really interested in the stupid greaser's thoughts and ideas. But, I'd do anything to save Cas from him.

"If you and your football buddies lay off me and my so-called friends, I'll give you Cas back."

"What's the catch..?" I asked, unsure if that was all Crowley really wanted.

"You set up a date for me."

"With who?"

"Samuel. Your precious little brother. The kid's been tutoring me lately, and I can't seem to keep my eyes off the guy. You set us up on a date, and leave me off of your "kill" list, I'll give Cas back to you."

I sat there, thinking long and hard about what he just suggested to me. I didn't really like the sound of it, but it would save Cas, and get Crowley to leave him alone. The only downside is that Sam would hate me for a little while.

"Does the date have to go well..?" I asked, wondering if that was really the catch or not. Crowley shook his head.

"Not necessarily. I just want to see a movie with him or something. Maybe go to the hangout place uptown. Whaddya say, Dean-o? Deal, or no deal?" He asked with a smirk. I sighed, and stuck my hand out for him to shake, to accept the deal. He laughed and shook a finger at me. I was confused and about to punch the daylights out of the little greasy prick.

"What? Are we making a deal or not?" I asked, sounding angry. Because I was, intentionally. His stupid antics were pissing me off.

"Oh yes, Dean-o. We're making this deal."

"Then what's the problem? Aren't we going to shake on it then?"

"Nope. I work on "demon" terms, Dean."


"We seal the deal with a kiss~" He said devilishly, snickering to himself. I about gagged, and coughed a little.

"I'm not kissing you. Hell no. Screw that!" I said, being extremely defensive at the moment.

"Then no deal."

I groaned and sighed. "You promise you won't tell anyone? If you do I swear, I'll knock some of those cavity-filled teeth out." I said sternly. He nodded.

"Oh yes, Dean, I promise. Cross my heart and hope to die." He chuckled. I still didn't trust him, but I thought of Cas more than about myself.

"Fine.. Do I have to kiss you, or..?"

Crowley laughed and closed his eyes, standing still in front of me. "Kiss me, oh handsome and strong quarterback~" He said with a girlish tone, puckering his lips slightly. I rolled my eyes, and groaned again.

"Don't push it." I said, as I leaned closer. He chuckled, after I stood in the same position for a while.

"Got cold-feet, Dean-o?"

"S-shut up! I've just never kissed a guy that I didn't like before!" I growled, and finally worked up the courage to just go for it. I kissed him for a few seconds, then pulled away, about to vomit. Crowley snickered and pulled me back, into an even longer, even deeper kiss. I pushed him away as quickly as possible, and scoffed. "I told you not to push it, you greaser!" I grabbed him by the shirt collar again, and thrust him up against the sink.

"S-sorry Dean, you're just too good of a kisser to pass up~" He said with a chuckle, as he licked his lips. I rolled my eyes, and threw him back down onto the ground.

"Just.. Can I have Cas back yet, or what?" I asked, tapping my foot impatiently. He nodded, and stood back up.

"Have fun with him, Dean-o. I know I did." He snickers, and leaves, going off to wherever he normally hides out from class. I quickly went into the stall where Cas was, and saw that he had passed out. I gently picked up his fragile-like body, and carried him out of the bathroom, and down the hall, heading towards the nurse's office. He woke up in slow, short periods as we went.

"C-Crowley..? I'm s-sorry.. I didn't mean to, I swear!" Cas begged as he gripped onto my shirt.

"Cas, it's me, Dean. Crowley's gone. And he'll never bother you or hurt you like that again, I promise."

"D-Dean..?" He asked softly, just before he passed out again. I just sighed, and set him down onto the cot in the nurse's office once I finally got there. She seemed shocked, and asked if I did it. I shook my head, and just went off to class. I didn't want to see Cas like that any longer than I had to.


Later on, I was called down to the nurse for an emergency. I didn't know what was wrong, or what had happened, but my guess was that Cas was awake and very confused.

"Ah, Dean, there you are! Your friend isn't doing too well. He's suffered a major concussion, and needs to be escorted to the hospital immediately." The nurse said, just as I walked through the door.

"He needs a doctor..? Crowley beat him that bad? I'll kill'em!" I yelled, furious with what Crowley had done to Cas.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that..." she said, as she lead me over to Cas. He was lying there, staring at the ceiling. Tears stained his pale cheeks, and he looked almost see-through. Like glass.


"D-Dean?" He turned over towards me, and wiped his eyes. "Dean I'm so sorry.. I should've picked you back then... I-I just.. I made a deal with Crowley, and I-I had to go through with it, o-or he said he'd kill you..." Cas sobbed, drenching his glasses in his tears. I sat beside him, and tried to help him stop crying.

"Cas, it's okay, really. I'm just glad you're here with me, and that you're alright." I said, as I wiped away his tears, and dried his glasses with my t-shirt. He sniffled, and sat up,

"You're not mad..?"

I nodded. "I'm not mad. I'm just worried, that's all. Now please relax, it isn't good to cry when you have a concussion."

Cas slowly nodded, and hugged my side, sniffling and wiping his tears in my shirt. I didn't mind, really. I just wanted him to feel better.


"Yes, Dean."


"I'm saying yes, to whatever you have to say."

"But, you don't even know what I was going to ask!" I chuckled and smiled. "What if I asked if you wanted to go to the bathroom with me, or if you thought the nurse had extremely long nosehairs?"

Cas laughed a little. "I would've answered no to the first one, at least."

I laughed again, and gently ruffled his hair. "Do you want to hear my actual question or not?"

He nodded. "Of course."

"Will you go out with me?"

"Yes, Dean. Yes."

Dumb Teenagers (BEING REWRITTEN)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें