Chapter Fifteen: Break-Ups, Make-Ups, and Lemonade Shake-Ups

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Dean's POV

Crowley had finally got that damn date he's been wanting, and I was in the clear. Cas and I were happy, and doing normal couple things like going to the movies, talking all night on the phone, going to the park,  y'know. And I couldn't have been in a better mood. But, a lot of other things were piling up inside my head, especially since Cas, Gabe, and I were going to graduate in a couple months. The past year and a half had really gone by fast, and I was worried about how I would have to provide for Sammy and myself until he was old enough to live on his own and get a job. It was really stressing me out. I had to do something to get my mind off of it. Gabe invited me to a party he was going to, so I decided to take a day off from work to go. It was at my friend Michael's place, and by the time me and Gabe decided to head over there, it was dying down. Michael apologized, saying someone got sick and pretty much ruined the whole thing. I was excited to see all the guys and drink a couple beers, but I didn't mind when it ended up being just us three, and a few Gatorade bottles.

"So, Dean-o, you plan on going to college?"

"Nah. I gotta keep my job going at least until Sammy graduates next year."

"Well, what about Cas?"

"Whaddya mean..? Me and Cas are fine." I chuckled, relaxing back in the recliner. "He and I are better than ever, actually. He's uh... Done whatever I've asked of him for a week or so now, and it's really nice. If you know what I mean." I said with a wink, which earned a high-five from both of them.

"That's great for you guys, Dean, but do you even know why he's being so nice?"

"Uh, no. Why?"

"Because after the summer he's going away to college. He got accepted into a really elite school in England."

"England? But.. I'll never be able to see'em.. When would he come back?"

"Four years."

I didn't know what to say after that. Four years I wouldn't be able to see Cas. That's way too goddamn long.

"He was going to tell you eventually, Dean." Gabe said, patting me on the shoulder. "I'm sorry."

I sighed and shook my head. "I'll just talk to him about it later." I got up from my chair, and stretched. "C'mon Gabe. I'll take you home." He nodded and followed me out after waving goodbye to Michael.

-Later in the evening-

"Dean let me explain."

"Cas, you could've just told me you were leaving. It's something we could work out together, but there you go again, making stupid ass decisions that you could've asked help for. Cas, I know that it's only been a year and a half, but I really do love you, and I'm glad you're actually doing what you wanna do with your life. And yeah, I'm not the smartest, or the greatest person, but you still could've told me in the first place instead of doing all those things you did. Not that I'm complaining.." That made him blush. "But Cas, I get that you wanna go to England. And I'm happy for you. But you could've put a little more faith in me." I sighed and turned from him, not really wanting to know what kind of face he was making. He hugged me from behind, and sighed deeply into the back of my t-shirt.

"Thank you, Dean. I.. I love you too." I smiled wide at that and turned him around, so I could kiss him. After teasing him just a tad for lying to me, I made sure to make him happy. It was going to be a rough few years without him, but I could handle it, knowing he loved me too.

-Destiel story END-

Sam's POV

After Crowley and I's "date", my head was filled with complicated emotions and feelings about the whole situation. I was really happy with Gabe, but Crowley definitely "got" me more than he did.

When Gabe and I went to the movies that Saturday, he was really happy. I was still conflicted, but I really tried hard to be just the same as he was.

As the movie dredged on, I got a text from Crowley. He knew I was on a date, but what he sent seemed important. I told Gabe that I'd return after I made a call, and I stepped out of the theater, into the lobby. I called Crowley like he texted me to, and he sounded winded.

"Um.. Crowley? You okay?"

"Huh..? Ah, yeah, hey Sammy. I'm a block away from the theater, and there's something I wanted to tell you."

"Can't you tell me over the phone, Crowley?" I sighed, rolling my eyes as I sat down in one of the chairs, tapping my foot impatiently.

"No, Sammy, it's important. Do you mind stepping outside and meeting me?"

I groaned a little, and eventually agreed. He hung up and I went back outside, just as he was walking up to the building. "What?"

He came close to me, and grabbed my hands, and fell to his knees. "Break up with Gabe, Moose."

"E-eh? You've gotta be kidding me, Crowley. I already told you that it can't work like this! I like Gabe. I'm dating Gabe. Not you."

"Please Sammy? I know we get along a lot better than you think. Can't you and I become a couple instead?" He was practically begging me now, his dark eyes pleading and staring at me. I groaned louder than before and tried to think of a plan.

"Crowley look-"

"..Sammy?" I looked over and saw Gabe standing behind me, looking heartbroken.

"Gabe wait, it's not what you think. He's just asking me out!"

"Asking you out?! You're gonna date this prick? What about us, Sam-Squatch?" Gabe asked, angry. I shook my head several times, trying to calm him down.

"Gabe no, it's not like that. I'm rejecting him, I promise!"

Crowley seemed fed up by then and came in between us, trying to kiss me! Gabe made a growling sound and pulled him off and threw him to the ground.

"Back off, grease-head!"

"Make me, asshole!"

The two of them started fighting, throwing hard punches. I used my height and strength as an advantage and lifted them both off the ground by their shirts, letting them dangle. "Listen to me, you idiots!" They both shut up and crossed their arms.


"Crowley, look, I'm sorry. But I don't like you like that. I like.. No, I think I love Gabe. Okay? And if you can't accept that, I don't think you and I can even be friends." He looked at me for a second, then back down at the ground.

"I'm sorry." I set him down and let him go.

"I forgive you. Now go home."

Crowley nodded and started to head back down the sidewalk. After he was gone, I looked at Gabe. He was staring at the ground.

"I'm sorry, Gabe. I really do love you. And there's no way I'd replace you for Crowley, okay?" He nodded, and I set him down gently on the gravel.

"..I love you too, Sam-Squatch." He said, his mood much better than before. I smiled and pressed a soft kiss to his lips, which perked him up even more.

"Wanna go to Shakie's?"

"Can we get Lemonade Shake-ups?"

"Sure, Gabe. But not too much sugar, like last time."

"I said I was sorry!"

I laughed and started walking away, heading down the sidewalk.

"Sammy, wait up!"

I guess I'm stuck with that candy-loving jock for a while...

-Sabriel story END-

I'd like to thank everyone so much for sticking with me through this piece of shipping garbage >-<' I hope you'll enjoy my next one! (I promise it'll be much better than this one tbh)


Dumb Teenagers (BEING REWRITTEN)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora