Season 2 Episode 1 - A Good Husband

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A heavily pregnant Sarah walks into kitchen to see Marian and Billy sitting at the kitchen table as Sean is pouring himself a cup of coffee

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A heavily pregnant Sarah walks into kitchen to see Marian and Billy sitting at the kitchen table as Sean is pouring himself a cup of coffee. Everybody smiles to Sarah and Sean grins "Morning Beautiful" Sarah groans "I don't feel beautiful this morning, my feet are swollen, I'm fat and I feel icky" Sarah sits down at the kitchen table and Marian says "It will all be worth it Love" Sarah sighs. Sean sets a cup of coffee before Sarah on the table and leans down and kisses her cheek "You'll always be Beautiful to me" and Sarah smiles to Sean as they both kiss each other on the lips.

Sean walks into Alex's office as Alex is sitting behind his desk talking with Ed

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Sean walks into Alex's office as Alex is sitting behind his desk talking with Ed. Ed looks back as him and Alex look to Sean and Alex says "Hi Sean" Sean simply nods and "Hey you two, so is there any news" Ed looks to Alex before focusing his attention on Sean and says "I checked it out, it was definitely the pikeys who killed Finn. I always had a feeling it was them, but I wanted to be sure" Sean nods and says "Those gypsy fucks, Set up a meeting with Kinney, I got some questions that needs answered" Ed and Alex both nod.

There's a knock at the Wallace home as Marian walks towards the door and opens the door as Sarah walks downstairs

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There's a knock at the Wallace home as Marian walks towards the door and opens the door as Sarah walks downstairs. Marian's face falls as Eric is standing before them and Marian asks "What are you doing here?" Eric stares at Marian "I'm here to see my Daughter" Eric's stare turns to behind Marian as he looks to Sarah. Eric smiles as Sarah walks down the large staircase and says "Hi Dad" Eric walks past Marian and walks into the house and walks towards Sarah and says "Hey Baby Girl" and he kisses the top of her head and places his hand on her large swollen belly and says "How are you? You look shattered" Sarah sighs "I am Dad". Eric worryingly looks to his only Daughter and as he looks around "Where's Sean? He should be here" Sarah replies "He's out working, he dropped Jake off to work and had a meeting to go to" Eric shakes his head and says "He should be here, you could drop any minute and he's out there" Marian folds her arms across her chest "My Sean is a good Husband, he is good to them" Eric glances to Marian "Is that right? Where is he then? Hm?" Sarah interjects "Marian's right Dad, Sean is there for Jake and me" Eric nods unconvincingly and says "I want you to come with me, and I'll treat you and my unborn Grandson to some lunch. I want to show you my new house" Sarah's eyes lighten up as she asks "You got a new house?" Eric smiles "Yeah, just down the street, I wanted to be near you and the Grandkids" and Sarah smirks "That's great Dad, I'll go and get dressed" and Sarah walks upstairs and Eric looks upstairs as he watches Sarah walk upstairs and says "Okay Baby". Eric turns his head to Marian and says "That's right, I ain't going anywhere" and Marian looks uneasy as she walks off into the kitchen and Eric smirks.

Jake is sitting in the primary school canteen along with his small group of friends as he places his lunchbox on the table and he opens the lunchbox as a small group of young boys approach him and one of them says "Hey Wallace gimme your lunch" Ja...

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Jake is sitting in the primary school canteen along with his small group of friends as he places his lunchbox on the table and he opens the lunchbox as a small group of young boys approach him and one of them says "Hey Wallace gimme your lunch" Jake looks to the boys before him and says "No! This is mine Callum" Callum scoffs and reaches out and slides Jake's lunchbox onto the floor and Callum and his friends laugh. Callum says mockingly "Oops" and Jake looks to the food and his lunchbox on the floor and Jake says "Hey! My Mum made that!" Callum says "You should have given me it" Jake stands up and shoved Callum onto the floor and he hovers above Callum as he punches Callum as the both young boys fight.

Eric walks into a large newly furnished house followed by Sarah and Eric says "Welcome to my humble abode" Sarah grins as she looks around amazed "Dad this is perfect" Eric replies "I got it a few weeks back, I wanted to surprise you

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Eric walks into a large newly furnished house followed by Sarah and Eric says "Welcome to my humble abode" Sarah grins as she looks around amazed "Dad this is perfect" Eric replies "I got it a few weeks back, I wanted to surprise you. I got two rooms upstairs with your and Jake and the baby's name on it" Sarah smiles sweetly to Eric "Thanks Dad, this is perfect. At least you'll be near" Eric nods and says "Y'know I made a lotta mistakes in my life but my biggest one was getting locked up and letting you and Connor down. Trust me when I say this, I won't be going anywhere" Sarah grins "I'm glad to hear it Dad". A phone rings and Sarah looks inside her handbag and picks up her mobile phone and looks to the caller ID and looks to Eric "It's the school" Eric looks taken back. Sarah places her mobile to her ear "Hello?" "Hello Mrs. Wallace this is Ms.Reynolds, sorry for the unexpected phone call but Jacob has been involved in a fight" Sarah scoffs in disbelief "No I think you're mistaken, my Son doesn't get involved with fighting" Ms Reynolds replies "A teacher had to split up the fight between Jacob and another school boy. If you or Mr. Wallace could come to the school?" Sarah sighs as she replies "Alright, I'll come as quick as I can" and Ms Reynolds replies "Thank you Mrs. Wallace, I will see you soon" and Sarah hangs up the call. Eric asks "What was that about? Sounds serious" Sarah rubs her forehead frustratingly "Apparently Jake was involved in a fight with some other boy" Eric looks taken "Really? That's not like him" Sarah deeply sighs "I know, look Dad the house is lovely but I gotta go to the school and call Sean" Eric asks "Want me to come along?" Sarah shakes her head "Nah Dad, me and Sean have got this. Thanks though" Sarah walks towards Eric and kisses his cheek and walks out of Eric's new house.

Sarah worries for Jake.
Sean plots against the gypsy's.
Sarah's gets a unexpected visitor.
There's tension between Eric and Marian.

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