Season 2 Episode 8 - Pretty Traumatised

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Sean left to kill travellers as Jake witnessed Billy being high.
Sarah worried for Sean's safety.
Eric asked Sarah and Connor for a Family Dinner but Connor rejected.

Sean walks into the Wallace Household, as he has some blood on his clothes and he looks to the empty house

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Sean walks into the Wallace Household, as he has some blood on his clothes and he looks to the empty house. Sean notices the kitchen light is on and he walks towards the kitchen. Sean walks in the kitchen as Sarah is sitting at the kitchen table and he asks "What are you doing up?" Sarah looks up at Sean and she stands up and rushes to him and engulfs him in a hug "Why didn't you call?" Sean caresses the back of her head as they hug. Sean says "I thought you were asleep, I didn't wanna wake you" as Sarah steps back from the hug. Sarah looks to his light blue jeans and leather jacket and looks at the blood and she sighs "What happened?" Sean nods "We killed them all" and Sarah nods. After a moment Sean says "You didn't answer me, why are you awake?" Sarah replies "I've been up most of the night with Jake" Sean takes off his leather jacket and asks "Why? What's the matter with him?" Sarah rubs her head and answers "It's Billy" Sean looks at Sarah with puzzlement "What about Billy?" Sarah says "Jake walked in when he was shooting up with junk, he was pretty traumatised" Sean's jaw clenches and says "I'm gonna kill him" Sarah says as she places her hand on Sean's chest "You gotta talk to Billy, I don't want any of that junk near our Children" and Sean nods and he pulls Sarah in for a hug and Sarah leans her head on his chest as Sean wraps his arms around Sarah and a moment later Sarah says "Oh by the way, we have dinner plans with my Dad" and Sean closes his eyes and mutters "Brilliant".

Later that day Jake is sitting on his bedroom floor drawing on a piece of paper when Sarah walks into the bedroom and she sadly looks at Jake

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Later that day Jake is sitting on his bedroom floor drawing on a piece of paper when Sarah walks into the bedroom and she sadly looks at Jake. Jake looks up at his Mother and says "Hi Mum" Sarah kneels down before him and says "Hi Sweetie, I just to check up on you. You doing okay?" Jake nods his head. Sarah looks to the picture on the floor that Jake is currently drawing and asks "What you got there?" Jake replies "I'm drawing me and Dad and you and Jamie" and Sarah smiles "That's nice Baby, you know if you aren't okay after what you saw last could tell me" and Jake stops drawing as he drops his crayon and asks "What was Uncle Billy doing?" Sarah replies "That's a good question Honey, y'see the thing is your Uncle Billy isn't very well at the minute, he's sick and you should've never seen that" Jake asks "Will he get better?" Sarah absentmindedly nods "I sure hope so Honey" and Jake stands up and walks over towards Sarah and hugs her and Sarah smiles as she envelopes her Son in a hug.

you could tell me" and Jake stops drawing as he drops his crayon and asks "What was Uncle Billy doing?" Sarah replies "That's a good question Honey, y'see the thing is your Uncle Billy isn't very well at the minute, he's sick and you should've nev...

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Sean is sitting in his office when Billy walks past his office and Sean says "Billy" and Billy turns around and walks into his office and Sean says "I need a word". Billy nods and looks at his Brother and Sean says "Sarah told me what happened last night" Billy says "Sean I'm sorry, I thought everybody was sleeping" Sean snaps "Well they weren't! My eight year old Son saw you! How dare you use with my children in the house! Especially Jamie! He's only three weeks old!" Billy looks down with shame and says "I know, I'm sorry Sean. It won't happen again" Sean nods "Yeah you're won't happen again cause you're gonna get help" Billy looks to Sean in shock and asks "What?" Sean says "You heard me, you're gonna go to rehab" Billy says "Look I'm sorry about Jake but you can't make me go there!" and Billy storms out of the room leaving a exasperated Sean.

Sarah is Jamie's nursery changing Jamie's nappy when Connor walks into the nursery with a smile spread across his lips and says "Hey" Sarah glances up to Connor as she puts the dirty nappy in a nappy bag "Hey what you doing?" Connor shrugs his sho...

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Sarah is Jamie's nursery changing Jamie's nappy when Connor walks into the nursery with a smile spread across his lips and says "Hey" Sarah glances up to Connor as she puts the dirty nappy in a nappy bag "Hey what you doing?" Connor shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly "Not a thing, pretty bored actually. You fancy doing something?" Sarah replies "You could go to Dad's dinner" Sarah buttons up Jamie's baby grow as Connor rolls his eyes "Don't start Sis" Sarah picks up Jamie and stands up "Look I know you and Dad don't really get along now but he is our Dad" Connor replies as he folds his arms across his chest "The man means nothing to me" Sarah says "Look ever since he got locked up all I wished for him to come back home and for us all to be together again, to be a Family again, please come even just for a hour. You don't have to stay long, just be there and show your face for me please Con" Connor rubs at his head in frustration and looks at his younger Sister with a heavy sigh and says "Alright, I'll come but I ain't gonna be civil" and Sarah smirks and says "Con can you not be nice to him just for one night?" Connor looks at Sarah and sighs "Fine I won't talk to him" and Sarah smirks triumphantly as Connor walks out of the nursery as Sarah walks over towards Jamie's cot and gently places Jamie down inside the cot. Jamie smiles up at Sarah and Sarah lovingly smiles back down at Jamie and says "I love you my little prince".

It's Eric's Family Dinner and a annoyed Connor loses his temper with Eric.
Billy apologises to Jake.
Laura tries to plan a night out with Sarah.

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