Season 2 Episode 6 - Right Beside You

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Sarah gave birth to her Son - Jamie Wallace.
Eric threatened Sean.
Connor reunited with James.
James was joyous of the naming of Jamie.

Sean walks into the Wallace house carrying a baby car seat with Jamie inside as Sarah follows them inside the family home and as Sean walks into the living room, Sarah closes the front door and follows him into the living room

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Sean walks into the Wallace house carrying a baby car seat with Jamie inside as Sarah follows them inside the family home and as Sean walks into the living room, Sarah closes the front door and follows him into the living room. Connor and Billy shout "Welcome home!" Sarah gasps in surprise as she looks at Marian, Connor and Billy and Jaqueline and looks to the 'Welcome Home' banner above them and she asks "What is this?" Marian says "We had to celebrate you and Jamie coming home and besides this is Jamie's first time coming home, its a celebration" and Sarah grins and she says "Thanks everyone" Sean wraps his arm around Sarah and brings her close to him and Sarah looks at Sean and asks "Did you know about this?" Sean replies with a amused smirk "It was my idea" and Sarah giggles and she says "I love you" Sean replies "I love you more" and Sarah kisses Sean.

In Eric's house, Eric is drinking a bottle of beer when there's a knock at his door and Eric walks over to the door and opens the door to see Derek and a small group of men and Eric simply nods "You made it, c'mon in"

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In Eric's house, Eric is drinking a bottle of beer when there's a knock at his door and Eric walks over to the door and opens the door to see Derek and a small group of men and Eric simply nods "You made it, c'mon in". Eric turns around and walks inside his house as his crew members follow him and Derek closes the door. Derek says "Your call sounded urgent, everything alright?" Eric looks to his crew and replies "I had a word with Sean, he told me that he's the boss and that I shouldn't sell the drugs" A crew member asks "What are we gonna do?" Eric says "We're still gonna sell, I want you all to sell my drugs all over the city. I don't give a shit about Sean, if he wants a war he's got one. I've broken tougher men than Sean Wallace" and they all nod as Derek replies "Consider it done".

Back at The Wallace House, Marian and Sean and Jaqueline and Billy and Sarah and Connor and Ed and Shannon and Alex are in the lounge

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Back at The Wallace House, Marian and Sean and Jaqueline and Billy and Sarah and Connor and Ed and Shannon and Alex are in the lounge. Sean is cradling Jamie as Sarah and Sean are talking with Ed and Marian and Shannon and Alex. Billy is sitting in the corner of the room anxiously biting his thumbnail when Connor walks over to the dining table and picks up a paper plate and looks at all of the finger food before him. Billy stands up and walks towards Connor and says "Can we talk" Connor glances to Billy as Billy says "I need some more" and Connor shoots Billy a glare and says "Not here. Are you mad?" Sean looks over to Connor and Billy curiously. Connor says in a low voice "Meet me at the alley down the street in a hour" and Connor glares at Billy and Billy walks off.

Eric is sitting on his bed and looks down on the carpeted floor and sighs as his gaze moves to the bedside table

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Eric is sitting on his bed and looks down on the carpeted floor and sighs as his gaze moves to the bedside table. Eric opens the bedside drawer and picks up a old photograph and looks at the photograph in his hand. A photograph of a younger Eric with a young Connor who was fourteen along with a younger Sarah who was seven and they are all smiling. Eric fondly smiles at the photograph as the memories come flooding back to him.

Billy is standing in a alleyway as he anxiously bites his fingernail when a moment later Connor walks into the alley

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Billy is standing in a alleyway as he anxiously bites his fingernail when a moment later Connor walks into the alley. Billy's face falls in relief as he acknowledges Connor and he says "Finally" Connor marches up to Billy and grabs fistfuls of Billy's jacket and slams Billy into the brick wall and seethes "How dare you?! How dare you ask for more drugs at my Nephew's homecoming?! With My Sister in the room?! Have you lost the plot?!" Billy puts his hands up in surrender "I'm sorry Connor, I wasn't thinking" and Connor stands back from Billy and punches Billy across the jaw and Billy leans over in pain as he clutches at his bloodied cheek and Connor pulls Billy up and places his forearm against his neck and he digs into his leather jacket pocket and takes out a bag of drugs. Billy looks at the bag and Connor asks This is what you want? Huh?" Billy nods and Connor says "Alright I'll give you it but you're gonna pay me for this and you don't tell Sarah or Sean or anyone about this...Sarah can never find out about this cause if Sarah somehow finds out about this, let's just say you're be joining your Daddy very soon" and Billy nods and Connor holds out the bag for Billy to take and Billy grabs the bag of drugs and runs off and Connor watches Billy run off.

It's late at night as Sean is sitting in bed as he runs a hand through his short hair and a moment later Sarah walks into the bedroom and yawns and says "That's the boys settled" and Sean smirks "That must be why the house is quiet" and Sarah gigg...

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It's late at night as Sean is sitting in bed as he runs a hand through his short hair and a moment later Sarah walks into the bedroom and yawns and says "That's the boys settled" and Sean smirks "That must be why the house is quiet" and Sarah giggles as she gets into the bed. Sarah replies "Yeah I thought I went deaf a minute ago" and Sean laughs. Sarah looks at Sean and she asks "Are you scared?" Sean quizzically gazes at Sarah and asks "Scared of what?" Sarah shrugs her shoulders nonchalantly and replies "I dunno, being a parent to two kids. I mean y'know Jake can be a handful at the best of times but now there's two of them" Sean asks "Are you scared?" Sarah replies "It's the unknown, I mean we managed with Jake but I'm just scared if I'm a shitty Mum" and Sarah lays her head on Sean's chest and Sean says "You're a lotta things Sarah Rose Wallace but you're an amazing wife and remarkable Mum, you have nothing to be scared of and besides I'm gonna be right beside  you all the way. Whatever the future holds, we'll see it through together" and Sarah looks up at Sean and says "Do you have any idea how much I love you" Sean amusingly smirks "I know, I'm adorable" and they both laugh and Sean kisses the top of her head and says "I love you too Sare".

Sean plots to kill the travellers.
Jake witnesses a horrific sight of Billy.
Sarah questions Billy.
Eric plans a family night.

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