Season 2 Episode 9 - Daughter of Mine

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Sean ordered Billy to get help but Billy rejected Sean's help.
Sarah persuaded Connor to come along to Eric's dinner.
Billy apologised to Sean for his behaviour.

Sarah and Sean are in Jamie's nursery as Sarah is sitting in a rocking chair by Jamie's cot with Jamie in her arms as she is feeding her Son a bottle of formula as Sean is anxiously pacing and Sarah says "This is a bad idea" Sean replies "I gotta ...

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Sarah and Sean are in Jamie's nursery as Sarah is sitting in a rocking chair by Jamie's cot with Jamie in her arms as she is feeding her Son a bottle of formula as Sean is anxiously pacing and Sarah says "This is a bad idea" Sean replies "I gotta do something, he's my Big Brother!" Sarah sternly says "Don't raise your voice" and continues "Look even if you dragged him to the rehab clinic, Billy would just come marching outta there and start shooting up. Baby you can't help an addict if they don't want the help. Billy will come to us in his own pace, you just gotta be patient" Sean says "I'm sorry for raising my voice but Babe if I don't get him help now he could overdose" and Sarah replies "Billy will come through but on his own time Sean, you can't rush a recovery" and Sean stops pacing and looks to Sarah as he looks lost in thought.

Eric is standing in the kitchen and he closes the over door as he is busy cooking when his mobile phone rings and Eric walks towards his mobile on the kitchen counter and he looks down at the caller ID to see 'Sarah-Rose' and he picks up the mobil...

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Eric is standing in the kitchen and he closes the over door as he is busy cooking when his mobile phone rings and Eric walks towards his mobile on the kitchen counter and he looks down at the caller ID to see 'Sarah-Rose' and he picks up the mobile and presses the phone to his ear. "Hey Baby Girl, you alright?" Sarah replies "Yeah Dad, I'm just calling to let you know I spoke with Connor and Sean and we're all coming". There's a knock at his front door and as he walks towards the door he says "Oh that's great news, remember seven o'clock" Eric opens the door to see Marian and Eric's face drops as Sarah replies "Yeah Dad, I've let the guys know" Eric replies "Alright Baby, I gotta go" and Sarah replies "Okay Dad, see ya soon. Eric looks at Marian as Marian barges past him and Eric sarcastically says as he closes the door behind her and turns to face her "Oh come in why don't ya" Marian looks at Eric and says "You have to go" Eric arches his eyebrow as he questions "Excuse me?" Marian replies "You shouldn't be here, you need to leave the city" realisation falls upon Eric's face as he says "Ah you're scared if it comes out about us?" Marian nods as she says "Yeah if my kids found out it would be bad, Sean can never find out" Eric asks "Find out about what? Our hot passionate affair?" Marian nods and replies "My children adored Finn if they found out the truth it would destroy them, especially Sean" Eric smirks amusingly "What? That before I got sent down, we planned to run away together and start a new life with our children and us" Marian angrily says "Exactly! You either leave London or you stay away from Sean and Billy and Jaqueline!" Marian walks past Eric as she opens the front door as Eric says as he turns to face her "That might be a bit difficult considering he's married to my Daughter" Marian glares at Eric as she lets out a frustrated sigh and Eric smirks amusingly and Marian storms out of his house and slams the door behind her.

Jake is in his bedroom, sitting on his bedroom floor with his legs in a basket as he is playing with his action figures and toy trucks when Billy walks into his Nephew's bedroom and Jake looks up at Billy and Billy smiles sheepishly to Jake and sa...

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Jake is in his bedroom, sitting on his bedroom floor with his legs in a basket as he is playing with his action figures and toy trucks when Billy walks into his Nephew's bedroom and Jake looks up at Billy and Billy smiles sheepishly to Jake and says "Hey Jake, can I talk to you?" Jake nods as he stops playing with his toys and stares at Billy as Billy crouches down to Jake's level and says "I-I just wanna say how sorry I am for what you saw, you should never have seen that. I am so sorry" Jake replies "Mum and Dad said that you are sick" and Billy nods and replies "They were right to say that, I'm not very well but don't worry I'll be okay" and Jake stands up and walks over to Billy and hugs him and Billy looks taken back by Jake's hug but smiles and wraps his arms around Jake and smiles.

Later that night at Eric's house, Eric is sitting at the end of the table as Connor and Sean and Sarah are sitting at the table eating their meal

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Later that night at Eric's house, Eric is sitting at the end of the table as Connor and Sean and Sarah are sitting at the table eating their meal. Connor stares at the large steak dinner before him on his plate as Sarah says as she swallows the remaining food in her mouth "This is lovely Dad" Eric grins "Thanks Baby Girl, I've been cooking since this afternoon'' Sarah and Sarah chuckle. Eric leans back in his chair and gazes at Sean "So Sean, how's business?" Sean glances to Sarah who glances to him "I can't complain, how's your new bar?" Eric nods proudly and says "It's busy, can't complain" Eric glances to an unamused Connor and says "You've hardly touched your food Connor" Connor glares to his Father and coldly says "I ain't hungry, I ate before I came to this dump" Sarah shoots Connor a glare from across the table and sternly says "Connor". Connor looks at Sarah and deeply sighs. Eric says "Actually there's a reason I wanted this Family Dinner" Connor, Sarah and Sean all look to Eric as Eric says "Well Sarah I know you're a barmaid at the pub in the city but don't get mad but I bought a nightclub and I want you to run it" everybody looks in shock. Sarah splutters in shock "So-sorry what? You bought a nightclub?" Eric nods with a grin "Yeah for you, it's all in your name. You're a nightclub owner, I've named it after you" Connor glares at Eric as Sarah stands up and rushes towards Eric and engulfs him in a hug "I don't know what to say, thank you!" Eric smiles "No worries, no Daughter of mine is gonna work for anybody, she's gonna be her own boss" Sarah sits back down next to Sean and Sarah grins "Thanks Dad, for this opportunity" Eric proudly smiles at Sarah "I believe in you" and Connor abruptly stands up and everybody looks to Connor as Connor says "This is pathetic! You have never been there for us! For years! And now you're out of jail and running a crew you think you can throw money at her and she'll be on your side" Eric looks at Connor "There is no sides, we're a Family" Connor picks up his full dinner plate and throws the plate of food across the dining room and Sarah gasps as Sean looks at The Lisemann's and Sarah shrieks "Connor! What the fuck?!" Connor glares at Eric "That's what I think of your poxy family dinner!" and Connor storms off out of the house.

As Sean tries to cope with news from Alex, Sarah tries to play peacemaker between Eric and Connor.
Laura plans a night out with Sarah.

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