Season 2 Episode 4 - Kill Them All

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Sean had a meeting with Kinney and threatened him.
Connor and Sean locked horns.
Eric wasn't amused.

It's late at night as Sean is sitting on the bottom of the bed as he is staring in a trance when Sarah walks out of their bedroom bathroom and she asks "Did you hear a word I just said?" Sean breaks out of his trance and he looks to Sarah and says...

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It's late at night as Sean is sitting on the bottom of the bed as he is staring in a trance when Sarah walks out of their bedroom bathroom and she asks "Did you hear a word I just said?" Sean breaks out of his trance and he looks to Sarah and says "Sorry Beautiful, I was miles away" Sarah replies as she worryingly looks at her Husband "Yeah I can see that". Sarah sadly looks to Sean as she walks towards the bed and sits down beside Sean on the bed and she takes his hand in hers and asks "What's going on? You need to tell me Baby, you know how you get when you bottle things up" Sean looks to Sarah and slowly nods and he exhales "It was the travellers" Sarah looks at Sean with puzzlement across her face and asks "What was? What's happened?" Sean replies "My Dad's death, it was those gypsy fucks" and Sarah asks "wa are you gonna do?" Sean stares ahead and says "I set up a meeting with Kinney and asked him about it but he denied any knowledge of it but I know for a fact they're to blame." Sean looks down to Sarah's large swollen pregnant belly and locks his eyes with Sarah's "I'm gonna kill them all" and Sarah places her hand on the side of Sean's face and she leans in and kisses Sean's lips and as their lips part, Sarah says "You do what you have to, for Finn, for our Family" and Sean nods and Sean kisses Sarah's forehead.

Later that day Sarah and Connor are sitting at the kitchen table when Sean enters the kitchen and Sarah looks up to Sean and asks "You going somewhere?" Sean replies "Yeah I gotta meet Alex and Ed" and Sarah nods as he leans down and kisses her ch...

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Later that day Sarah and Connor are sitting at the kitchen table when Sean enters the kitchen and Sarah looks up to Sean and asks "You going somewhere?" Sean replies "Yeah I gotta meet Alex and Ed" and Sarah nods as he leans down and kisses her cheek and rubs her large belly "I won't be long, call me if you need anything" and Sarah replies "Yeah okay Baby, tell Alex and Ed I said hi" Sean nods and says "I'll see ya later" and Sean walks out of the kitchen. A moment later Connor stands up picks up his black leather jacket and Sarah looks up to Connor and asks "Where you going?" Connor replies "I'm gonna swing by Gramps, he still doesn't know I'm back" Sarah nods and says "Yeah you can do that soon but I gotta talk to you" Connor looks down to Sarah with worry and asks "What's going on?". Sarah replies "It's about Dad, he's out" and Eric walks into the Wallace house and enters the kitchen and Eric looks at Connor and Connor glares to Eric and he abruptly stands up and angrily says "You gotta be shitting me!" Sarah looks uneasily between Eric and Connor.

Alex and Ed are sitting in the office of Wallace Properties when Sean walks into the office and says "Hello boys" and Alex simply nods to Sean and Ed greets "Sean" and Sean looks between The Dumani's and says "Alright cards on the table Kinney has...

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Alex and Ed are sitting in the office of Wallace Properties when Sean walks into the office and says "Hello boys" and Alex simply nods to Sean and Ed greets "Sean" and Sean looks between The Dumani's and says "Alright cards on the table Kinney has to be taken down. We all know he had something to do with my Dad's death or the very least knows something about it anyway he's not being entirely upfront with us" and Alex asks "So, what do you have planned?" Sean says "Tonight, I'm gonna kill them all" Ed worryingly asks "Them all? What do you mean?" Sean replies "I'm gonna go to their caravan site and shoot them all" and Ed looks at Sean and says "But that could mean horrific consequences! Let's think rationally about this, we gotta be smart about this" Sean looks at Ed and says "You think however rational you want but tonight I'm gonna kill Kinney and all of his people and that's that" and Ed worryingly looks at Sean.

Back at The Wallace House Sarah looks between a seething Connor and Eric as Eric smiles to Connor "Connor look at you, you've all grown up

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Back at The Wallace House Sarah looks between a seething Connor and Eric as Eric smiles to Connor "Connor look at you, you've all grown up. It's good to see you Son" Connor points his finger at Eric and shouts "Don't! Don't you dare call me Son! I am not your Son!" Sarah stands up and says "Con calm down" Connor looks at Sarah and asks "How long has he been back?" Sarah glances back to Eric and says "A few months" Connor asks in shock "and you didn't tell me?!" Sarah says "I wanted to a bunch of times but I knew you'd react like this! Just calm down" Connor looks at Sarah and asks "Are you crazy letting him back into your life? After all the bad shit he's done? After he didn't make contact for all those years? Have you forgot that?" Eric interjects "Drop it Connor, you're stressing your Sister out. Sarah knows that I love her" Connor scoffs in disbelief "You don't even know her!" Eric stares at his enraged Son and says "She's my little girl, of course I know her just like I know you" Connor chortles in disbelief as Sarah pleadingly says "Come on let's just stop this". Connor glares at Eric and says "Oh I bet you loved it, just worming your way in and pretend your Father of the year when you don't even come close!" Eric shouts "I made mistakes granted! But don't you paint me as a snake! I love my Family!" Connor shouts "Of course you do! You're incapable of love! The only person you care about is you! You left us when we were kids! I was the one who took care of Sarah when you couldn't!" Eric angrily glares at Connor and bellows as the two Lisemann's come head to head "WELL THAT WASN'T MY FAULT!" Sarah gasps as water releases from her. Sarah says weakly "Guys" Connor and Eric look to Sarah and the water below her and Eric asks "Has your-?" Sarah nods "My waters have broke" Connor says "We gotta go to the hospital" Sarah replies "Dad call Sean, he'll have to meet us in the hospital"

Sean rushes to the hospital as Sarah gives birth to their Son.
James is overjoyed by Connor's arrival.
Billy and Laura clash.
Connor tries to warn Sarah of Eric.

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