Season 2 Episode 3 - How Much Longer

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Sean had a Father - Son talk with Jake.
Sarah confided in James.
It was revealed that Eric and Marian had a affair years ago.
Sarah's Older Brother - Connor Lisemann arrived much to Sean's dismay.

Sarah and Jake are sitting at the kitchen table and are both eating toast as Sean paces up and down behind them

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Sarah and Jake are sitting at the kitchen table and are both eating toast as Sean paces up and down behind them. Sarah says "Baby can you stop, it's incredibly annoying and we all know what my hormones are like lately" and Sean sighs and stops pacing "Sorry Beautiful, but seriously how much longer can he take? I've got a meeting with Kinney and I can't be late" and Sarah says "Look Babe there's no point in you getting irate. Just calm down, he'll be out anytime". A moment later Connor walks into the kitchen and Connor rubs his hands together and says "What's for brekkie?" Sean glares to Connor and says with annoyance in his voice "Finally! You were in there for over a hour" Connor takes a piece of toast from a plate and says "Well y'know what to do Seany, you'll just have to go to the bathroom earlier" Sean asks in disbelief "Are you kidding? This is my house!" Sarah sternly says "Sean" and Sean looks back to Sarah and Jake and sighs "I'm gonna get ready" and Sean walks out of the kitchen. Connor bites into his buttered toast and Sarah asks "Do you really have to wind him up?" Connor chuckles.

 Connor bites into his buttered toast and Sarah asks "Do you really have to wind him up?" Connor chuckles

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Eric is sitting in his office chair as he is writing on paper on his desk. Derek walks into the office and says "Eric we gotta talk" Eric glances up and asks "What's the matter?" Derek looks down to the floor and Eric focuses his stare on Derek and says "Well spit it out then. I ain't got all day" Derek says "The cash flow is down, lower than you expected" Eric stops writing and leans back in his office chair and asks "and Why would that be?" Derek replies "A lotta people aren't buying the drugs because of Sean" Eric angrily asks "Sean as in Sean Wallace?!" Derek nods and says "Apparently Sean isn't letting anybody sell on his turf, and none of his business associates are allowed to sell until Finn's murder is solved and avenged" Eric asks "Is that right? I want you to gather the crew and bring them here tonight at nine am I clear?" Derek nods and replies "Yeah Boss" and Derek walks off out of the office as Eric stares angrily ahead.

Connor and Sarah are sitting at the kitchen table when Elliot stands at the doorway and Connor stares at Elliot "Who are you?" Sarah looks back and her face softens when she looks to Elliot "Hey Elliot, meet my Brother Connor, Connor this is one o...

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Connor and Sarah are sitting at the kitchen table when Elliot stands at the doorway and Connor stares at Elliot "Who are you?" Sarah looks back and her face softens when she looks to Elliot "Hey Elliot, meet my Brother Connor, Connor this is one of Sean's men Elliot Finch" Connor nods as he warily looks to Elliot. Elliot says "Sean told me to watch over you today" and Sarah nods "That's fine Elliot, thank you". Elliot asks "Do you need anything?" Sarah shakes her head "No, I'm good" Connor says "Yeah, so why don't you run along like a good little boy" and Elliot glares and walks off. Sarah looks to Connor and asks "Do you have to be like that? No wonder you don't have any friends" Connor replies "I'd rather have trust issues and have no friends rather than have plenty of friends and get hurt. Friends can break your heart too" Sarah looks to Connor.

In a restaurant Sean is sitting at a table along with Alex and Ed with a few men standing afar from the table

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In a restaurant Sean is sitting at a table along with Alex and Ed with a few men standing afar from the table. Alex asks "So, what's the plan?" Sean says "I'm gonna confront Kinney and see exactly what he knows" Ed asks in disbelief "and you think he's gonna to tell you? Kinney is a tough Son of a Bitch, you can't crack him" Kinney Edwards walks into the restaurant as Sean replies as he stares ahead at Kinney "Why don't you leave that to me". Kinney looks around the busy restaurant as Sean raises his hand in mid air and wiggles his fingers motions Kinney to approach them. Kinney walks towards the table as he nods with acknowledgement "Ed, Sean and Alex" Ed simply nods to Kinney as Sean motions to the chair across from him "Please, sit". Kinney pulls out his chair and sits down as he looks to Sean and asks "So, what's this all about?" Sean stares intently to Kinney and replies "Oh I think you know" Kinney purses his lips "I'm lost Sean, I have no clue why I'm here at this meeting" Sean nods and pulls out his gun and gently places the firearm on his thigh pointing the gun in Kinney's direction and Sean says "Now as you know my Dad was murdered in cold blood and a little birdie told me that the travellers...your travellers had something to do with it or at least know something about my Dad's death and I want to know what you know" Kinney looks between the three men and says "I don't know anything" and Sean says "Don't make me pull this trigger" Kinney tilts his head to the side and says "You aren't gonna shoot me, not in front of all these people" Sean arches his eyebrow and asks "Oh really?" Kinney nods and says "Look I don't know anything about Finn's murder, Finn was a good friend of you really think that I'd protect his killer. Now if you don't mind I've got other shit to do" Sean says "Don't make a enemy out of me Kinney, do not cross me. If I do find out you know anything, I will kill you and I don't give a shit how many eye witnesses they are...there is nothing I wouldn't do to find my Dad's murderer and avenge his death" and Kinney stands up and scoffs in disbelief and he says "I'll be seeing you" and he turns around and walks around.

Sean plots against Kinney and The Travellers.
Sarah tells Connor of Eric's release.
Eric and Connor clash.
Sean confides in Sarah.

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