Chapter 11: A New Hope

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9:30 AM

Marie's Point of View

Marie was in the living room in her black and green kimono, Toby didn't come out of his room.

Marie decided cancel the trip to Inkopolis Hall with Toby given how the day started, and mind was pacing back and forth between Toby crying in his room and rescuing Callie and the zapfish, so she went to the living room to settle herself down and read one of the cook books Becky brought the other day ago.

She opened the book and went through different pages, where she found a section of pages that says 'desserts'.

Marie: "Hmmm..." (I wonder if Agent 4 likes any sweets. Maybe Becky can help me bake something for him after the mission is over.) Her fingers turned from one page to another and saw a chocolate cake, the picture alone reminded her of Callie since they both love pretty much anything chocolate so much. "Callie..."

She was saddened by this, almost on the verge of tearing up even, she flipped to another page to spare herself from further emotional damage, that's where she found a different selection of desserts that says, 'Pies and Cobblers'

Marie: "Maybe Agent 4 is a blueberry pie person...Who knows..." Marie said to herself with a pensive tone, she rested her left arm on the armrest of the chair and her hand on her left cheek, she looked page by page for any dessert recipe that could possibly cheer him up and herself too.

-Some time later-

Marie went to Toby's bedroom to check on him but found that the door to his room is open, she curiously went inside and found that he's not in there.

Marie: "Where is he?" She went out and looked for him somewhere in the outpost, she kept looking until Marie went to the kitchen and saw him getting food from the fridge. *Gasps* "Toby?!" She flinched.

Toby: "Hm?" His hair color no longer appeared to white, it was yellow this time.

Marie: "Don't scare me like that and again!" She scolded the tall inkling holding her beating chest. "I thought you were in your room, but you weren't there! I went out looking for you and-"

Marie noticed something on Toby's hand. He was eating what looked like to be an ice cream cake, but it's mint chocolate chip ice cream cake! Which...happens to be Marie's favorite dessert...Uh Oh.

Marie: (Is he eating my favorite cake in front of my eyes?!) "Toby...Whatcha eating there?" She asked with an innocently sounding voice while her veins were pulsating with anger.

Toby: "..." He looked at the cake in his hand. "I do not know; but it tastes amazing! I never had anything like this before!"

Marie: (Good for you, because I'm gonna kill you if you don't stop eating my ice cream cake!) "That's great, but do you know what kind of cake that is?" 💢💢 She's keeping herself together from strangling him.

Toby: "What is a cake?" He asked with curiously.

Marie: "?" She raised her eyebrow at him as if she heard a foreign poem while plainly staring so deathly at him. "Wait...You don't know what a cake is???"

Toby: "No?" He sincerely doesn't understand the whole issue here.

Marie: (Is he for eel?) "Do you even know what a sweet is, I mean have you ever eaten ice cream or pies? Cookies maybe??"

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