Chapter 7

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-Rachel pov-
I am laying in the backyard on a bunch of snow. All I am doing is watching clouds go by as snow falls down. Sure it is cold but I enjoy moments like this. Moments that take my out of the real world.

The world that only sees me as desensitized and rude. That I am just obsessive over every little thing. The world that thinks I am better off dead. The world that I tried to escape from last winter.

I thought about it all and had it planned. It was going to be quick and easy. But then Finn came over and caught me. I am still not trusted around pills.

I reach my hand toward the sun and grab at it. I know I can not grab it but it is still worth a try. I do things like this often. Look at something out of reach to remember my goals are able to be reached.

I will find my way onto a Broadway stage when I get older. I am too talented not to be up there. But I also would like a family and a small house. I do not need all of the fancy things other people have.

Having it is nice but why live rich? Why live to show off instead of giving back? Why not donate my money and time to help like minded people? Why waste money on stuff I will never use?

I never want to be the Kanye West or Jennifer Lopez of the world. They spend money on useless things or 'upgrades' to themselves. That is a pure waste of a tree and money someone else could use. No I want to invest in making an acting school.

I would make sure underprivileged kids, kids with disabilities, and normal kids can be there. No one would be left out for any reason. There would be no racism or discrimination in my school. If there was I would see to it personally.

Cause I have the problem of seeing the better in people deep down. Guess that is why I am a dreamer. I dream that the world could be as one. I sigh and drop my hand back to my side. No one even knows what today truly is.

For sixteen years now no one has celebrated it with me. Well my dads have but with guests they seem to have forgotten. They have always wanted to run a bed and breakfast or a hotel. They even have been talking with some people about opening a hotel in town.

They could make it work for sure. Even display some of my Tony's in the building. So I am not upset that they are fully invested in this. I sit up and shake my head to get over the self pity.

Doing it has never helped in the past. No one wants to celebrate and that is fine. I am sure I can find something to do. Oh hey this is good packing snow!

I smile as I start to make snowmen. This is going to be fun!

-Time skip-Santana pov-
"What is happening?" I look to see everyone looking out the backdoor "Hello?"

"She is having a party?" Hiram tilts his head confused "I think she is having a party with snowmen to be honest with you"

"What?" I squeeze through to see what is happening "Why is she doing this? How long has she been out there?"

"A few hours now" Leroy seems to be in thought before he gasps and rushes away "IT IS HER BIRTHDAY!"

"Oh shucks!" Hiram runs after him "We forgot! The cake needs to be out for a bit!"

"Cake but she is vegan" Hiram and Leroy both poke their heads out of the kitchen to look our way confused "What?"

"She said you guys were vegan and nervous about sharing" Hiram and Leroy share a look before looking at us again "Our daughter is the farthest thing from a vegan"

"I knew it!" Quinn smirks and I groan "I told you she had a grimace as she ate the tofu!"

"No your tofu was undercooked" Quinn pouts and I laugh "Sorry dear"

"So wait she is not vegan?" They shake their heads and I look at Quinn "We got played"

"Get her back later" Hiram disappears again "Can we get some help?"

I go to help but stop "We have nod gifts" I get keys tossed at me "Thanks"

"Let's go" Shelby rushes toward the door "We need to go now"

I nod and we are out the door. We owe Rachel back for tricking us but also it is her birthday. She deserves some good presents. I wonder what I can find for Quinn and me to put our names on.

-Time skip-Rachel pov-
I walk inside the house and walk into the kitchen. I need to make a cup of hot chocolate. I am so cold right now and very wet. I may have fallen asleep on the snow and gotten snow inside of my coat.


I jump and turn to see everyone smiling behind me. How did I miss them? I look and see my favorite cake on the table. I cringe and look at the two girls I have put through hell with vegan meals the last few days.

"Oh yeah we know" I nervously chuckle and Quinn smirks "That is for later and for now is your party"

I get a party hat plonked on my head and smile. They all remembered my birthday. I am sure it was late but they still remembered it. I am so happy right now that I am having a party.

This is the best birthday ever!

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