Chapter One

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Author's Note: Here it is!! The long awaited Drawkill fanfiction "Corruption and Lies"! :D Firstly, I want to thank a few of my online friends for the support. Y'all really make me feel like this silly little story has some importance to it. So once again, thank you and I love you guys <3

I hope y'all like my interpretations of the Drawkills :'D (also happy birthday to meee qwq)



Molly was in the field outside of the abandoned warehouse. She was busying herself by crawling around on the floor, playing with the small field mice.

She liked living with the Drawkills. They'd been fairly nice to her. She regarded them as her family because she'd been so close to them -- and they were the only individuals she knew.

Molly watched the mice running around. She liked mice; they were very interesting creatures to her.

A brightly colored mouse caught her eye. Its fur gleamed in the sunlight. Molly was attracted to it; she just had to catch it.

She trapped it underneath her hands, "Gotcha!"

She picked it up and looked at it. The mouse was white, unlike the other mice. The others were brown or gray. Molly liked this white mouse. The mouse sniffed the air a few times and crawled in her hands.

Molly smiled, "I'm gonna name you Snowy!"

She just had to keep this specific mouse. It was too unique to leave it alone. Maybe she could convince the Drawkills to keep it too.

Excitedly, she ran back inside the warehouse, cupping the mouse in her hands.

The four Drawkills were gathered around in a corner of the warehouse. Molly had no interest in knowing what they were talking over as her only intention was to display her newest discovery. She ran up to the familiar large-handed rabbit figure of Drawkill Bonnie.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Molly squealed excitedly, "Look at this cute little mouse I found!"

"Show me." Drawkill Bonnie told her.

Molly opened her hands to reveal the little white mouse, "Isn't it cute? I always thought mice were brown! But this one's white!"

"It's a charming oddity, huh?" Drawkill Bonnie said.

"I named her Snowy because of her pretty white fur!" Molly told her.

"How endearing." Drawkill Bonnie commented.

"Can we keep her? Please?" Molly begged.

Drawkill Bonnie looked over at Drawkill Foxy, who was leaning against the wall, standing beside her.

"What do you think, Foxy? Should Molly-Doll keep this darling little rodent?"

"Sure." Drawkill Foxy replied.

Drawkill Bonnie looked at Molly, "Alrighty then, Molly-Doll. Looks like you've got yourself a little pet."

Molly smiled brightly. She'd never had any sort of pet before! She was over the moon with joy.

She looked over at Drawkill Freddy and Drawkill Chica, wanting to show them the mouse.

"Auntie! Uncle! Look at my new pet!" Molly said to them.

"I see that." Drawkill Freddy said.

"Her name is Snowy! It's because her fur is white like snow!" Molly told them.

"Intriguing." Drawkill Freddy replied.

"Mice are pretty hard to catch, Molly." Drawkill Chica began to say, "How did you catch it?"

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