Chapter Three

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Author's Note: I forgot to post this on it's set time lmao. Not much to say for this one ^^ hope you guys enjoy!


Molly sat in utter confusion. Was Stella lying or were the Drawkills lying? She didn't know what to believe. Stella was a very kind girl and even Molly knew she didn't seem like someone that would intentionally cause harm to anyone. So was it possible that the Drawkills were lying? But why? Why would they lie to her? Didn't they care about her?

"Molly," Stella said, interrupting Molly's thoughts, "I hope you know that I'm your best friend. I would never hurt you! I really care about you!"

Molly looked up at her, "If you're telling the truth, then that means the Drawkills were lying to me..."

"I am telling the truth!" Stella stated, "Please don't hate me. I don't wanna lose you!"

She seemed genuinely sincere. Not only that, but she looked to be on the verge of tears. Molly felt bad. She looked so afraid of losing her. Maybe she was in fact truthful after all. That was a sigh of relief. Stella wasn't a cold-hearted murderer.

"I don't hate you..." Molly told Stella.

However, this did mean that since Stella was truthful, the Drawkills were liars. Molly didn't understand why they would lie to her. Maybe it was a mistake? Molly had no clue.

"So are we still friends?" Stella asked Molly.

"Of course." Molly replied.

"Oh, yay!" Stella cheered.

"I just don't know why the Drawkills told me you killed Susie when you didn't." Molly stated.

"Yeah... That's weird." Stella commented, "I really do care about you, Molly. I would never do something like that to you."

Molly smiled. Maybe it was a good thing the Drawkills lied. She too cared about Stella and it would break her to know if her best friend really was a killer.

"I'm glad we're still friends." She said.

"Me too!" Stella also said.

"Well, that's all I came here for. To ask if you did kill my sister, which you didn't." Molly told her, letting out a sigh before speaking.

"That's all? Don't you wanna play a game?" Stella asked.

"I would like to, yeah, but I'm actually not supposed to be out here. The Drawkills said I had to stay in the warehouse." Molly explained, "I better go back now."

"Lemme go with you!" Stella offered.

"Really?" Molly uttered.

"Yeah!" Stella said.

"Oh, okay! But you gotta be careful. I don't think the Drawkills will like seeing you." Molly told her.

"Okay! I'll be careful!" Stella responded.

She hopped out of the window.

"What about your dad?" Molly asked.

"He's in his room. He won't know I'm gone." Stella replied.

"Okay." Molly uttered.

Stella smiled, "Wanna go?"

Molly too smiled, "Yeah, sure!"

The two girls walked through the forest into the direction of the warehouse.

"So what happened after they took you away?" Stella asked, "Your parents, I mean."

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