Chapter Six

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Author's Note: Here it is!! The long-awaited 6th chapter! I'm terribly sorry for the long wait lmooaoao hopefully the chapter being long will make up for the equally long wait :'DD

Now I know I did say I would wait until all chapters were done with the writing before I posted them, but I'm honestly too excited and I wanted to show you guys! Also a few of you have been asking for chapter releases as soon as they're done, so I'll be doing that for the next chapters too!

Finally have a picture for this one 🏃‍♂️🧍‍♂️ 


Molly woke up to a throbbing pain surrounding her wrists and ankles. She shifted slightly to hear the sound of a chain dragging across the concrete floor. She sat up. There were shackles cuffing both her wrists and ankles. She had been chained to the ground.

She looked around to see where she was. The walls of the room she was in were stone brick. In front of her, there were metal bars. The room was barren and empty -- there was virtually nothing in it. She was in a jail cell.

Molly wondered how she got here. She wondered why she was put in here. Jail was for bad people, she thought, and she wasn't a bad person. So why was she chained to the floor, sitting in a jail cell?

An ominous, woman-like chuckle echoed from within the darkness. It sent chills down Molly's neck. She frantically looked around, trying to find out the location of the sound. But it was too dark to see.. There was nothing.

Molly heard footsteps approaching and the sound of claws hitting the concrete. It grew louder... and louder... until the figure began to emerge from the darkness.

"Psycho, psycho, psycho. That's how you see me, Molly-Doll?"

It was Drawkill Bonnie.

She walked up to Molly's cage, "An unstable, mentally deranged psycho?

She spoke in a slow and calm manner. Her movements were smooth but also somewhat limp, as if she was a ragdoll. Molly watched her carefully.

"Wakey wakey, Molly-Doll." Drawkill Bonnie said, stopping when she approached the cell.

She slammed her fists against the bars, causing Molly to yelp out of fear, "It's morning." Her eyes were wide and a smile stretched across her face.

Molly breathed heavily and shakily. She was terrified of her. But she couldn't have just stayed silent.

"How did I get here?" She managed to ask.

"Oh, you see, after your little outburst, Foxy and I had decided to confine you to this quaint little room." Drawkill Bonnie explained.

She stroked the metal bars, "We felt it was best for our dear precious daughter."

Molly knew she was addressing her that way only to make her feel like they actually cared about her. Now that they've shown who they really were, Molly wasn't buying the act.

"You guys don't care about me. You never did. So stop acting like you like me." She told her.

"Silly little Molly." Drawkill Bonnie said with a chuckle, "I find it endearing how you think you can talk back to me."

Molly fell silent.

"Besides, I'm not the bad guy. You were the one who called me a horrible monster, after all." Drawkill Bonnie said, "I never did anything wrong."

"You threatened to kill me!" Molly stated.

"That was more of a warning, Molly-Doll. A warning to not talk back to those superior to you." Drawkill Bonnie claimed, "A warning to not talk back to your maker."

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