Chapter Four

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Author's Note: Poor Molly :( now she doesn't have a little pet anymore. Don't got much to say except I do wish I had pictures for every chapter. I'd make them myself but they'd have to be after I finish C&L. I'm choosing to focus all my time on writing, not drawing. However, if you wanna offer some fanart or art related to a specific chapter, by all means go ahead! :D Just send it to my Instagram and I'll add it! Obv with credit lmao



It was now morning. Molly woke up feeling groggy and not too well rested. She managed to get a few hours of sleep, however most of the night, she was awake. She was continuously tossing and turning in her bed. Her body had been tired, but her mind kept racing. From Snowy's death to the Drawkills lying about Stella, it was impossible to sleep.

Molly heard a door opening. She slowly turned around in her bed to see who was walking in. It was Drawkill Bonnie.

"Wakey wakey, Molly-Doll. It's morning." She greeted her.

She walked over to Molly and sat down at the foot of the bed.

"How're you feeling? Better?" Drawkill Bonnie asked.

"Not really." Molly replied, sitting up, "I didn't really sleep good last night."

"Oh yeah?" Drawkill Bonnie said in response.

"I was thinking about Snowy. And other things." Molly explained.

"Other things?"

"Yeah." Molly uttered, "Why did you guys lie about Stella? She's a very nice girl. She wouldn't kill Susie."

"Yes, so I've been told." Drawkill Bonnie said, "However, we didn't lie, Molly-Doll. I didn't lie."

"But Mommy! Stella said she didn't do it!" Molly stated.

"Stella isn't who you think she is." Drawkill Bonnie sternly told her, "Honestly, Molly, what is it about that girl that is so attractive to you?"

"She's nice! She's really nice! She doesn't seem like a mean person and I don't think she would ever kill anyone!" Molly explained, "She's the first friend I've ever had, Mommy. She makes me feel happy."

Drawkill Bonnie gave her a look of near disbelief. She stared her down, slightly squinting her eyes at her.

"You don't know the truth, Molly-Doll." She told her in a low voice, "You're so blinded by that girl's kindness that you can't tell fact from fake."

Molly was still confused. Truth? What truth? Hopefully whatever her mother had to say would clear things up.

"Could you tell me?" Molly asked, "Please?"

"Of course." Drawkill Bonnie said, "I understand that you see that girl as a friend, and I understand that you have been told by your father that you shouldn't be around her. He'd tell you it's because she is a human. However, in my eyes, it is much more personal than that."

Molly stayed silent to listen to her.

"Yes, I do not want you interacting with humans solely because it is against one of our laws." Drawkill Bonnie started off, "But the main reason I don't want you to be friends with her is because she hurt me."

Molly tilted her head in confusion, "She hurt you? Where? How?"

"Silly Molly, she didn't hurt me physically. Moreso she hurt my feelings." Drawkill Bonnie explained.

"What did she do?" Molly questioned.

Drawkill Bonnie let out a saddened sigh, "Listen, Molly-Doll. I don't know what that girl has told you, but whatever it was, she was lying. I saw with my own eyes. It was her who killed Susie. You can believe what you want. But I am telling you the truth.

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