Recovery prt 2 (Four Swords)

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1 week later

Shadow's pov:

I felt..... different. Different from the time I was even awake. I was... I guess comfortable? I didn't feel the metal of the chains against my skin plus the stone wall and floor were absent too. I felt something covering me and I heard voices going around me. 'Where even am I?' I wrestled my eyes open which took way too much effort then it should have. 'Did I finally die?' As soon as I opened my eyes everything went silent. I felt whatever I was ontop of dip down in quite a few places. I could barely see anything because my vision was blurry. I could only really see blobs of colors. A purple one was right beside me... well purple and yellow. A red and yellow one was farther down. There's two blue and yellow ones. But the one is definitely bigger. And finally a green and yellow one beside the larger blue one. 'Mmmmmm yep I think I died.... I'm being surrounded by blobs.....' Why is that not too surprising anymore? I mean... a cloud did burn me at one point. One of the blobs, I think the purple one, started saying something but nothing was actually registering for me. Everything was just...... existing I guess.

Vio's pov:

Everyone crowded around Shadow as he woke up, for the first time since we found him. I was nervous since he didn't like people crowded around him, especially when he's hurt or weakened. But he didn't seemed bothered by it. 'Probably because he's not fully conscious.' It was harder to see because it's so dark, but his eyes were glazed over. "How come his eyes are blue and not red like they normally are?" Red asked. "They only turn red when he's mad or using his power. Other than that their blue." I explained. "Geez then he's always mad." Blue scoffed. "Like you're any different Blue." Green joined in. This of course started a screaming match between the two. My dad and Red joined in to try and stop it but they're not winning so far. I rolled my eyes and returned my attention to Shadow. Glazed over light blue eyes stared back at me. 'It's so unnerving to see them like that..' Their normally alert and know everything going on around him but their not. A particularly loud scream drew me back to reality. A sigh escaped me as I glanced at them. When I looked back at Shadow I saw he fell back asleep.

???'s pov:

In the dark world something sat. It's gaze layed upon something underneath it's claw. It knew something was wrong. And it was hellbent on making sure who ever hurt their child never walked either worlds again. No one touches their young and gets away with it.

Hello my nonexistent readers no I'm not dead. As I said in an announcement, I've found a new Fandom and been into that recently. I'm sorry this took so long and was so short. I didn't have much motivation and I didn't fall into it like I normally do. Sorry everyone but the idiot is being an idiot. No big surprise there. Stay safe everyone

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