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De Ja's P.o.V

7:00 p.m.

Right now I am very nervous about my date with Michael considering the fact that it is our FIRST date. I'm nervous but at the same time I'm really excited. I was so excited that I already took a shower, did my hair, picked out my outfit, and I'm already dressed and ready to go with an hour to spare.

"Yoo-hoo De Ja can I come in?" LaToya asked

"Yeah sure." She came in with a bag in her hand and I have no idea what it's for.

"Oh well I see that you're already dressed."

"Yeah I just got super excited. Do you think Michael will like what I'm wearing?" She then started to walk around me examining my outfit choice.

"He will like it, but I got something that I know he will love." She then opened her bag and pulled out this beautiful dress. (Picture above)

"Wow what makes you think he'll love this?"

"I know my brother and I also know that he likes red. So when he sees you in this his eyes will be all over you. Try it on I'll wait outside." She gives me the dress and steps out.

I take off the dress I had on before and put on the new one. "Alright LaToya you can come back in."

"You look fantastic. All You need now is some heels-"

"I can't wear heels. I don't think my ankles can handle that."

"Okay then no heels flats should be fine. Alright now let's do your makeup."

"I don't really wear makeup. I like the natural look."

"Well then you're ready for your date with thirty minutes to spare. Lets head down stairs." She grabs my hand and leads me out of my room. I glance over to Michael's room just wondering what tonight will bring.

I was so deep in thought I didn't even notice that he was standing infront of me. "Ready?"

"I am." He then grabbed my hand and led me out to the backyard Where the most beautiful set up was. There were lights in the trees, the table was set for two with a bouquet of red roses in the center and candles around it.

"Wow Michael this is so beautiful."

"It is, but you are way more beautiful. I love the way that color looks on your skin." I blushed real hard.

"And your blushing makes it better because it matches your dress." He guided the way to our table and pulled my seat out for me before sitting right across from me.

Out of no where a giant clap of thunder scared us both. I looked up and the rain began to pour soaking everything.

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