My Love

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Hello world. Before you read my story I would like to say thank you for reading my story hopefully you like it. I really like Michael Jackson. My best friend and I know so much it's ridiculous. Well before I get carried away here's the story.

Deja's P.O.V

Why would he break up with me? What did I do wrong? I gave him all the love I had. WHY ME?!?!?!?!?

I was broken out of my thought when I heard a know at my door. I really didn't want to answer it, but it's rude not to.

"What are you guys doing here?" There at my door stood my crazy best friends Jasmine, Alyssa, and Mara.

"We heard about your break up, so you're coming with us." They all began to grab me but it was too late to try to run away.

"Where exactly are you taking me?" I raised a eyebrow and they all just smiled. After that I knew something was up.

"We're going to a party." Before I could say no and fight back we were already in Mara's car and pulling out of my driveway.

Sorry that it was short and boring, but I promise it will get better from here.

So always remember to KeepcalmandloveMJ

My LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora