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De Ja's P.o.V

I followed Michael upstairs as he led me to the room I going to be staying in. There were so many turns I think we went down the same hallway at least 3 times.

"Well here we are."

"Finally. I'm so tired." He opened the door and was in awe. (A/n the room is the picture above) The room was my favorite color.

"Hopefully it meets your standards"-"It exceeds my standards. Blue is my favorite color. Especially this shade."

"That's great. Well the bathroom is down the hall to your right and my room is right across the hall."

"Ha that's great."

Michael's P.o.V

I made sure that she had a room close to mine. I want her to be close to me. "Well goodnight. Hope you sleep well."

"Goodnight Michael. Same to you." I started to walk out of her room, but then I almost forgot something.

"Oh wait one more thing."

"What is it?" I pulled her closer to me and gave her a tender kiss. I slowly pulled away and gave her a warm smile. "Goodnight."

De Ja's P.o.V

My glob. This man's kisses are going to make me melt away if he keeps kissing me like that. Like wow. I guess I'll go shower now. I could really use it.


Yay shower completed. Now time for slumber. I walked back down the hall to my room and I saw that Michael's light was still on. I smiled, blew a kiss to his door, and went into my own room. Tired. So very Tired I am.

I took off my glasses and lied down in the queen sized bed. Oh so soft. I curled up and tried to sleep. My body was saying that I was tired but my mind wouldn't coporate with me so I just layed there wanting to sleep. Why is it so hard. I tried to concentrate and sleep but I couldn't. Well this is a Bumtard.

Michael's P.o.V

I wasn't really tired, but my mind was telling me to go to sleep. Right as I began to doze off to sleep I heard a faint knock at my door. It wasn't very loud but it was loud enough for me to hear it.

I slowly peeled the covers off of my body and made my way to the door. When I opened it I was kind of surprised to see who was standing there. "Hey are you okay?"

"I'm fine just can't sleep. I'm sorry did I wake you up."

"No no I was actually have done problems sleeping of my own."

"Then that makes two of us."

"Well Why don't you come in and We can hang out until we get tired."

"Sounds great ."

De Ja's P.o.V

Now I know I woke him up. He looks so tired. I walked pass Michael into his room and it tells like my eyes are deceiving me. His room is so nice and tidy. "Wow do you have the biggest bedroom in the house?"

He was chuckling, but in was asking a serious question. "Not exactly. We all have to same sized room, but my parents' room is a bit bigger."

"That's insane." I was still in awe looking around his room.

He Sat on his bed and I wasn't too sure what to do. "Come have a seat. Its not going to suck you in." He was laughing a bit so I went over to his bed and sat right next to him. I wasn't too sure what to talk about. I was too busy admiring his room.

I turned my head back over in Michael's direction and caught him in the middle of a yawn. "Michael? Are you sure you're not tired?"

"I'm sorry I am."

"I'll go so you can get some sleep."

"You don't have to leave if you don't want to."
"No it's fine. I'll just go."

Michael's P.o.V
No she can't go. Not yet. She started heading towards the door until I  grabbed her hand. "I actually want you to stay. Sleep with me. Nothing sexual just sleep."
I can tell that she's not sure how to answer.

"I promise I won't do anything." By this point her hands were really sweaty. Or were mine sweaty?

"Um o-okay then i-I'll stay."

A smile graced my face and I walked us back over to my bed. "Which side do you prefer to sleep on?"

"Uh wow. Never thought I'd really have to make that decision. I like sleeping close to a window."

"Okay that's fine" I can tell that's she's really nervous. She was shaking a bit. "There's no need to be nervous ok? I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere."

" Fine I'm going to trust you with my life for the night."

I got in to bed first and She slipped in soon after. "Why are you all the way over there?"

"To give you some space." She then scooted closer to me."It's warmer over here. Goodnight Michael." She pecked my lips, took off her glasses, and lied down with her back facing me.

"Goodnight." I wrapped my arm around her waist and was out like a light.


I was sleeping fine until I felt something moving beneath my arms. It felt like turning and squirming like someone is trying to get away. It went on for a while until it just stopped. I slowly opened ny eyes because I was still tired and felt around only to find out that De Ja wasn't next to me anymore. I grew worried. I want to know if she's ok or not. I was scanning my room to see if she's still in here. My eyes caught my alarm clock and it said 3:36 a.m. I began to look in the dark again and I saw I beam of light coming from my door which was cracked slightly open.

De Ja's P.o.V

Tears were just streaming down my face. They were coming down harder than any river has ever flowed. All because of one nightmare that wouldn't end. I got up and went to the bathroom as fast as I could without waking Michael. It wasn't that easy considering that it was dark, I had tears making it hard to see, and my glasses were wet from the tears. Eventually I did make it with out hurting myself. I went inside and looked at myself in the the mirror. Wow you look a mess hun. My cheeks were all stained with tears, my cheeks were reddish, and my eyes were all puffy and red.

I was in the middle of washing my face when I heard a soft knock on the door. "De Ja? You ok in there?"

Oh no it Michael! He can't see my like this! Not now! I was panicking inside and trying to hurry up and clean my face and glasses.

"Yeah I'm fine just give me a second. I'll be right there." I finished my cleaning and opened the door for him.

"Hey what's up?"

"You ok? I heard you sniffling and your eyes are all puffy."

"Never better I'm fine thanks."

He raised one of his eyebrows and gently grabbed my hand. Before I knew it we were back in his room. "You're not fine. Tell me what's wrong."

"Nothing I promise."

"It's not nothing. Please just tell me what's  wrong. Its only going to bother me until you do." I took a deep breathe and began to relive my nightmare.

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