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DeJa's P.O.V

"Um Hi." I had no idea what to say. I was taken with complete and utter shock like wow he really called me.

"Wow it's crazy how we've only been apart for a short time and I already miss you."

"Can't say I feel the same. If I did then I'd be lying. Since you're the one who broke up with me."

I can't believe that he said he misses me. He was the one that broke my heart. he wasn't that much if a boyfriend to me anyways.

"I know I know but I regret doing that."

"Well regret it all you want I already moved on from you."

"We only broke up less than a day ago"

"I know that. I met someone's and it felt like you didn't exist anymore." I completely lost all my feelings for him. When I was with I felt like I was on top of the world. it felt like no one even existed when I was with him. it was like we were the only two people in the universe.

"I truly am sorry for hurting you."

"Well I forgive you but we're not getting back together. So you can just continue to miss me." After that I hung up. I don't even understand how guys miss a girl like me. I'm not even amazing. There's all kinds of girls out there that are ten thousand better than I am.

After being insecure for a good 30 minutes I decided to get up and go to bed. After I took my shower and put on my Pjs I basically fell in to my bed. It was so fluffy and warm. I curled up in my blanket and before I knew it I forgot to turn off the light. "Fan freaking tastic." I rolled out of bed, walked over the light switch all the way by the door, turned it off, and went back to bed. After I lied down I was gone.

2:27 am

Why is there banging at my door? I turn my head to look at my clock. Its 2:28 in the damn morning why is there some one at my door. I just kept thinking maybe if I don't answer they will leave. Sure enough they didn't. Its 2:30 now and I guess I'm getting up. I got up, left my room, and went to the front door. I looked out the peephole and guess who was standing there.

"What the hell are you doing here."

"I had to see you." Dallas's speech was slurred and he breath smelt like alcohol. Yup this bitch is drunk.

"No you didn't have to see me you need to go home."

"No I need you." He pushed himself inside my home hitting me in the lip with the door.

"Dude get out and go home."

"But I miss you and want to be with you."

"But I don't now leave."

"I'm not leaving til I get what I came for.

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