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DeJa's P.o.v.

I couldn't stop smiling. Oh my glob this guy is just WOW. I couldn't get him off my mind. I was thinking so hard I didn't even hear Mara talking to me.

"Um hello. Did you go deaf in the last 5 minutes?"

"Oh I'm sorry. What did you say?"

"Well...I said you're smiling awfully hard there My dear friend."

"Oh yeah. I guess I am." I couldn't help but smile with Michael on my mind. it's funny how I was all heartbroken and sad at one point then he comes around and its like being in love for the first time all over again.

"So are you guys like a thing or what?"

"I think so but I could be wrong." I don't know if Michael and I were a thing. Like we just met today but it feels like I've known him my entire life.

"Well I can tell you two things."

"And what are these two things?"

"Things one you guys are extremely cute so you guys will make an amazing couple"

"And thing two is?"

"Thing two is if he hurts you, breaks your heart, or if you come crying to me about him in anyway I will break that pretty little face of his. Point Blank period." I had to laugh but I knew that when she talked like that she meant it. They weren't considered threats they were more like promises.

"Alright Alright, but I have a good feeling about this one."

"Girl you've just met the man"

"I know but it feels like I've known him all my life though. I feel like he is the other half I was suppose to find."

"Well hopefully this relationship work out better than the last one."

"I'm sure it will."

It took about 30-45 minutes till we finally got to my house. "Well later. I'm exhausted and so ready to go to bed."

"Hmmmm. So you could dream about Michael." My face got red hot.

"No. I'm just tired."

"Yeah ok. I'll see you tomorrow." She got back in her car and left. I waited til she was gone before I went inside. When she was out of sight I rushed inside.

I threw my bag on the couch and plopped down right next to it. I just kept thinking "Should I call him now or will that make me look annoying and obsessive. Should I check if he has a Facebook or will that be to stalkerish. What about an Intsagram does he have that....maybe he does......should I follow or will that make me look weird."  After thinking and relaxing for a good 5-10 minutes my phone began to ring. I grabbed my bag and started to search for it before the ringing stopped. I dumped out my bag and it wasn't in there. Then I got up and it fell on the floor. Huh didn't think to check my lap but ok then.

I looked at my screen and I got this excited, nervous, ans scared feeling in my stomach. "Hello"

"Hey it's me"

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