My Internship

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—---------------------At school—-------------------------- 

 ((A/N; Yes, I realize that the legal age to drive in Japan is 18 years old, but for the sake of this story, it's going to be the same as in the states.)) 

"Yeah, so with summer approaching, they're having us fill out applications now," I heard Uraraka explaining to Tsu. I don't understand it. Every time I see [Y/N] now, I get all panic-y. My palms get all sweaty (that's her job, hence the nickname 'Sweaty palms'!), my breath shortens, and it feels like something's just off. And then whenever she gets close to or touches me, my heartbeat quickens. What's going on? This isn't normal, this isn't how it's supposed to go!

"Hey Bakugo!" a familiar voice said behind me.

"Huh?" I asked, turning around, seeing [Y/N]. "Oh, hey." And now, why am I sweating?

"Mina and I were just talking, we had a lot of fun at Denki's house. Oh, that's another thing, I started calling him by his first name. Anyways, did you have fun?" I tried to speak, but as soon as I opened my mouth, it went dry and I was at a loss for words. Why couldn't I speak? Why was I so nervous? Was I scared of her? That's supposed to be my job! "Are you okay?"

"Uh, yeah," I finally said. "I'm okay. And yeah, I had a lot of f-fun." I reached back and scratched the back of my head. WHY WAS I STUTTERING?!

"Oh, okay, cool!" she answered. "Anyways, I'm gonna go back to my desk."

"Tch, yeah, whatever. It's not like I care or anything."

When [Y/N] went back to her desk though, I saw Mina and Uraraka looking at me with shocked looks on their faces. Mina then came over and said, "Yo, Bakubro, what was that?"

"What do you mean 'What was that'?" I asked.

"The way that you were talking to and acting around [Y/N]. You were fiddling with your fingers, having trouble speaking and stuttering." She then gasped. "Are you blushing?"

"Huh?!" I asked in shock, feeling my face warm up. "What, no!" Then, it looked as though she had a light bulb moment. Her face went into realization.

"Wait a minute, you like her!"

"Shhhhh, not so loud and no, I don't!" I felt the red spreading across my face.

"Ohhhhhh my gosh, how long have you known?!"

"What do you mean 'How long have I known'?!"

"How long have you known that you like her?!" She gasped. "You're blushing!" I glared at her. "C'mon, you can't kill me, just spill!" When it became clear to her that I wasn't going to be giving her any answers, she sighed. "Hmph, well, I'll just have to get to the bottom of this myself."

—--------Some time later—---------------- 

 {[Y/N]'S POV} 

"You'll be participating in internships with a pro hero of your choice," Mr. Aizawa explained one day. "You'll be receiving a list of agencies that you can choose between." When we were handed the papers, I scanned the names. Endeavor's agency, Mt. Agency, Genius Agency, Fatgum agency and Uwabami Hero Office. I really wanted to go to an agency for someone that's experienced with water. Like Aquaria Hero Agency, I thought. Minato Kasumi (Hero name: The Water Hero: Aquaria) is one of the less well known pro heroes. She has two Quirks. Her Quirks are called 'Water-bending' and 'Mermaid'. Water-bending basically allows her to control any form of water (if she really focuses her energy on one specific bit of water, she can create a storm cloud and make it rain!), however, if she controls too much water at once, she will lose control and sometimes create floods. Mermaid is very similar to the girls in that show H2O, where as soon as water touches her skin, in 10 seconds she will become a mermaid and can do pretty much anything a mermaid can, however, what makes it different is that she can control whether or not she becomes a mermaid when water touches her skin. She has to get dry within an hour though, because if she doesn't, she will become a mermaid forever.

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