Chapter 2: "Daddy Issues"

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OHANA (緒花)

I was in front of my home. That bathe earlier sure is relaxing. Well, time for me to get inside.

As I enter my house, almost all of the lights were turned off which means Mom and Dad was already sleeping.

I slowly and quietly walk on a long hallway to enter my room.

As I walk slowly and quietly, the bathroom door suddenly opens which I was about to walk accross it before I reach my room within 50 meters away. Who's in the bathroom you asked? It was my Dad.

"ああ!父上只今 (ahh! Chichiue, tadaima)" and I bowed a little. "遅いですみません。。。I went to a bath ho--- (osoide sumimasen, I went to a bath ho---)" I haven't finished on what I was about to say, my Dad walks away.

"... ... ..." I get silent as Dad didn't even bother to listen to me.

I get pissed off as he act like he didn't see me and just walk like there's nothing around him.

"DAD!!!" I shouted.

"... ... ..." my Dad stopped walking as I shouted.

"Why are you always been like this?" I whined. "Eversince Mom died you never talked to me, oh wait! Eversince my Brother left for a Pokemon Journey, you put all the burden to me." A little tears came out from my eyes as I continue to whine.

"You know that I want to follow Mom's footsteps, and my Brother was supposed to follow yours." I added. "Just because I can transform to any gender I want, you put all of your expectations to me after my brother couldn't fulfill your stupid expectations!" I shouted.


A big slap has occurred through my cheek.

I unconsciously touched my cheek as a response from my Dad's slap.

I knelt down and slowly look up too see my Dad's face. He had no reaction and just looked at me with blank face.

After a few seconds my father left me in the hallway, he must be going back to his room.

*** *** ***

I'm in my Mom's room, I mean...her shrine, yup! She has her own room here.

"... ... ..." I silently praying while I was kneeling down.

"... ... ..."

"... ... ..."

"... ... ..."

After a few seconds of silence, one of the Pokeballs that has placed in one of the corners in the room sounded. A sound of a coming out Pokemon from its Pokeball.

"Grrruu..." a Shiny Charizard came out from its Pokeball came out and comforts me by patting my back.

After another seconds of silence, another Pokemon came out of its Pokeball.

"Snorr..." a Snorlax came out from its Pokeball and also pats my back.

"Yeah, I'm alright, don't worry," I said to my Pokemon comforting me.

Am I crying? No.

Let me tell you the story...

Long story short, my Mother was a Kimono Girl while my Father was a Ninja. In my Father's family, there is must at least one male ninja to every generation. I have one sibling which is my Older Brother, he was supposed to follow my Father's footsteps on becoming a ninja while I was following my Mother's footsteps on becoming a Kimono Girl. Why my Father had also expectations on me? Because I can transform. Yes I have powers just like Gym Leader Sabrina which is a rare case for humans in this Pokemon World to have powers. And you guessed it, my power is Transformation.

Ever since I was a child, I'm always in my girl form. To school, to play with my friends outside, etc. etc. My Father was always at work so my Mother was the only one parenting me, and since I'm always with my Mom, she always telling me that I should be a girl so I can follow her footsteps. And since I like being a girl, I promised Mom to be a Kimono Girl in the future.

Every time Dad came home, he always scolding me and hurting me because I'm in my girl form. He always telling me that "I HAVE NO DAUGHTER!" Mom and Dad always fight because of me. And why is my Father so paranoid about his expectations to me? Because my Brother don't have plans on following his footsteps because he wanted to be a Pokemon Trainer.

Years after, my Brother left home so he can have his Pokemon journey. And weeks after that, my Mom fell ill and passed away. Her last words to me was...

"Please follow my footsteps my little girl. No matter what your Dad says and do to you. please..."

Take note, Dad was not here, he's at work.

And few moments after my Mom's last words, she passed away.

Due to my deep sorrow from my Mother's death, I sealed the promise that I made for her. To be a Kimono Girl. And that decision of mine leads to a consequence. My Father's disappointment. And so, he never talked to me. I never heard any words from him eversince.

Until now...


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