Chapter 9: "To The Kanto Region"

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OHANA (緒花)

Good thing, I bought some revives and potions so I have some heals incase of an emergency.

We are now continue walking accross to Goldenrod City, we're really getting near.

After several minutes of continuous walking, we are now approximately 200 meters away from the Goldenrod City gate.

"Wait a minute!"

I stopped walking when Mayuki speaks, I turned away to look at her. I was a meter away from her.

"はい? (Yes?)" I asked.

"You have a Charizard right?" Mayuki asked.

"Yeah, why?" I answered and then asked.

"Why can't we just go fly to Pallet Town instead of traveling on ground?" Mayuki demands with a pout.


*** *** ***

We are now flying at the sky, with the use of riding on my Charizard, we are now getting near, I can already see the Pallet Town far away from here.

"Ohana nee-chan," Mayuki said while wrapping her arms at my stomach.

"Hmm?" I said.

"Have you been to Kanto before?" Mayuki asked and gripped her arms to make sure she won't fall.

"Yeah," I answered. "We often go to Fuchsia City to visit my Dad's family," I added.

"Sometimes me while taking a vacation at Fuchsia City, me, my onii-san and my other cousins go bike at the cycling road to go to Celadon City and go gambling," I also added.

"And how do you travel from Jotho to Kanto?" Mayuki asked.

"By taking a train from Goldenrod City to Saffron City," I said.

"So this is your first time flying?" Mayuki asked.

"Not exactly," I said.

"What do you mean not exactly?" Mayuki asked.

"My Sallah and I don't really travel this far, we usually travel from city to city. So this was her first time," I said.

"Ahh I see," Mayuki said.

"Grrrooar..." Sallah said.

"サラーちゃん どうしたの? (Sallah-chan doshitano?)" I asked.

Sallah without a warning, she flies down.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Mayuki gripped her arms more.

"サラー なんで? どうしたの? 私たちはどこに行くの? (Sallah nande? Doshitano? Watashitachi wa dokoni iku no?)" I asked again.

Sallah flies down to the ground, we are now at Route 2.

Sallah pushed her back to put us out of her back.

Me and Mayuki dropped on the floor, not in a way that we are going to hurt. We dropped on the ground with our feet first.

"Looks like Sallah is tired, Okay! Come back!" And I put her back into her ball.

"Uhm...Mayuki, is it okay if we call it a day at the Pokemon Center? It's getting dark and I think we're not gonna make it to Pallet Town even if we walk," I said.

"Ahh sure," Mayuki said.

"Besides, your Eevee needs a heal even though she already took revive before," I said.

After a few walks, we've made it to Viridian City. We can already see the Pokemon Center from afar. Mayuki started to walk while I didn't.

Mayuki stopped walking for a moment as she noticed that I didn't walk.

"緒花姉ちゃん どうしたの? (Ohana nee-chan doshitano?)" Mayuki asked.

"Since we are at Viridian City, is the Gym Leader available at its Gym?" I asked while having a little bit arrogant-type facial expression.

"Ehh!?" Mayuki was surprised.

*** *** ***

Mayuki went to Pokemon Center and I told her that I will catch up because...

Yup! You have guessed it. I'm going to battle the 8th Gym in Kanto Region. I know there are people think of me as an amateur due to having no badges and just started my Pokemon Journey, but my Charizard, for sure we can beat this Gym Leader in this city. I heard that this Gym Leader uses multi-type Pokemon, I better prepare myself!

"Ehh...?" I said as I read the notice in the Gym's door.

Temporarily closed...


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