Chapter 10: "Amateurs"

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OHANA (緒花)

It turns out, the Gym Leader is not available so I came back to Pokemon Center to join Mayuki to dinner.

"So how's the Gym Battle?" Mayuki asked.

"Nah...the Gym Leader is not available," I answered and took some money from my bag to order a meal.

"I knew it would turn out like that," Mayuki said while eating.

"What do you mean?" I was about to walk out to order but our conversation continues.

"It is said that every Gym Leader in Viridian City is always absent, they will only be available if they want to," Mayuki said while eating.



"That's unfortunate, how about those trainers who needs their badges?" I asked.

"You have no choice but to wait," Mayuki answered.

"But what if that's the only badge they need to go to Pokemon League? Can't the Gym Leader at least consider that?" I asked.

"I told you, you have no choice but to wait," Mayuki answered. "I don't know why every person who became Gym Leaders in this city becomes lazy to be available. Like, what motivates them to be absent?" Mayuki added.

"... ... ..." that makes me think as well.

*** *** ***

The next day, we are now at Route 1, going to the Pallet Town. Why are we going to Pallet Town you asked? Because we are going to get a Pokedex from Professor Oak. Do I know Professor Oak in person? Of course not. Mayuki knows him though, so that's why she will guide me to that part.

"Hey! You two!"

Me and Mayuki turn our heads to where the sound coming from.

"You guys look like a tough trainers," a young kid said.

"How about a battle?" The young kid next to the young kid said.

They very look alike, I assume these two were twins.

"Go! Rattata!" The young kid said.

"Go Pidgey!" The young kid's twin said.

"... ... ..." me and Mayuki are just silent.

We look at each other for a moment and then we smirked.

*** *** ***

"No!!! Pidgey!!!"

"No!!! Rattata!!!"

The twins said. During our battle, they got shocked because I was using a Charizard and they did not expect on what they just saw. Mayuki used her Eevee to this battle. Me and Mayuki let the twins go attack first and as expected, they are shaking in fear. They both command their Pokemon to use tackle and targeted Mayuki's Eevee, but Sallah quickly block them with its wings, and as Sallah spreads it, their Rattata and Pidgey got blown away and they got fainted. Yup! Sallah defeated them without attacking once again.

"Here's your price money," the young kid said.

"As a Pokemon Trainer, we sworn an oath that if we win, we will get price money and if we lose, we will pay the price money," the young kid's twin said.

"Thanks," Me and Mayuki said that together and accepts the money.

We split it of course, even that Sallah carries the whole battle, this is still a double battle, and what you get is also what it gets to your teammate. Also...I'm carrying bunch of my savings in this journey though so it doesn't matter if Mayuki gets more money than I am hahaha. But even so, we split our price money equally.

Anyways...we are now at the Pallet Town, a town where everything begins. Well that's what people who live here said.

"It's so beautiful here," I said.

"I know right?" Mayuki said.

Mayuki walks a bit fast and now she's ahead of me.

"Let's go to Professor Oak's lab! You need a pokedex so you will become an official Pokemon Trainer," Mayuki added.


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