Chapter 14: "Seth..."

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OHANA (緒花)

"Get ready..."

"Ahhh...Ohana Nee-chan?"

"!!! !!! !!!" I suddenly came back to reality when Mayuki tapped my shoulder. I was actually envisioned my first Gym Leader Battle.

"はい?(Hai?)" I asked.

"本当に良いですか?(Hontoni yoi desu ka?)" Mayuki asked.

She asked if am I really ready for my Gym Battle.

"はい!良いです (Hai! Yoi desu)" I answered.

"ただ。。。そのGym Leaderここには、八位で本当に本当に強いだね (Tada...sono Gym Leader koko ni wa, hachii de hontoni-hontoni tsuyoi dane)" Mayuki said.

"いってね、ナメないよ。(Itte ne, namenaiyo)" I contradicted.

"Well...good luck then," Mayuki cheered.

"さあ!いくぞ!!(Saa! Ikuzo!)"

*** *** ***

We are now in the front of Viridian City Gym.

"... ... ..." I was staring at the door.

"ねね。。。どうしたの緒花ねえちゃん? (Ne ne... doshitano Ohana Nee-chan?)" Mayuki asked. "怖いですか?(Kowai desuka)?" She added.

"Nope," I answered.

"Then why hesitate?" Mayuki asked.

"I was just looking at the door, is there a problem with it?" I asked.

"Nothing, I was just asking," she answered.

As I hold the doorknob, I quickly open the door. What I see was an unfamiliar person. He wears a black jacket, has a keyboard? Synth? I'm not sure what it is, and a laptop next to it. And he is...

Well I don't know if this is gonna be offensive.

He's bald.

"Hello, you must be the one who wants to challenge me that Blue talks about me earlier. Well is it?" The bald guy asked.

"Ahh yes," I answered.

"You are Ohana, right?" He asked.

"Yes," I answered.

"Well, it's time..." He put his hands on the keyboard...? Wait! Keyboard or Synth? I can't really differentiate those.

He plays a song, which is a bit familiar to me. I kind of heard that before.

Oh! That's right! The song he was playing was Still D.R.E.

Wait! I think this person is familiar to me now! The black jacket, the Keyboard, Synth, whatever! Bald head, the song he was playing... he is...


Seth Everman!

He finished playing his instrument. He move forward and introduced himself.

"Hi, I am Seth Everman. And I am the Gym Leader of Viridian City," he introduced.

This guy is a legend! I idolized this guy on YouTube.

"So tell, how many badges you have?" He asked.

"That's right! Ohana, you have to reveal how many badges you have, so the Gym Leader itself will use a Pokemon that has the same level as yours," Mayuki explained.

"Yes, I know that," I said. "But...I have zero badges, and I have a high level Pokemon. If that's that, then it would be less challenging," I added.

"You have a high level Pokemon?" Seth asked. "And you have zero badges?" He added.

"Yes," I nodded.

"Good thing you are honest," Seth said. "Because I only have high level Pokemon in my possession," he added.

"So even if you have, zero, one or two badges, I'm afraid I cannot adjust. I am meant to be the 8th Gym Leader, and this is my challenge to the trainers who steps their foot in here," he explained.

"So if you are telling me to challenge me with a high level Pokemon despite of having no badges, then so be it," he added.

"... ... ..." I stared on his eyes as he was explaining earlier. So his personality on YouTube was also his personality in real life huh. Now that I'm seeing it, he's kinda intimidating.

"So how's it gonna be?" Seth asked.

"... ... ..." yup! Seth staring was really intimidating.

I took a deep breath first and then I replied...

"I'm ready."


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