Bizzaro and Suprena vs Powergirl

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( It has been a couple of days since  Korra had left with donna. Since then,  the autobots have been keeping an eye on their deception enemies. There was even a time when the Decepticons had come in force to try and defeat  Kora. What they got was a beatdown from  Wonder Woman and  Superwoman who had come by to thank  June for raising  Kora. Megatron had even lost half of his forces since Superwoman had shown him what an experienced person with similar powers to kora could do. She had done this by destroying his ship and grounding them permanently. As for Kora herself,  she has spent her life living among the people of new york while secretly saving those in need and keeping her powers a secret at the same time. So far she had saved a pregnant mother from being crushed under four fallen steel pillars.  Prevented a couple from being hit by an out-of-control truck and then prevented a  forklift from crushing seven construction workers. The people of  New York can only wonder as to who the mysterious savior is)

" ( Sits at a table on the outside patio of a pastry store and takes a sip of her smoothie). New York ain't so bad. The people here are nice, hm. ( Looks to her left toward a tv screen which shows a press conference between Lana Luthor and Diana Prince revolving around her hidden heroics). I didn't think that I would be the talk of the neighborhood. Oh well, it's no skin off my back. ( Suddenly hears the sound of people screaming forty miles to her left and then looks in that direction). What's going on over there? (uses her keen eyesight to spot  Powergirl in a battle against Bizzaro and  Suprena). So that's  Bizzaro,  untie Donna wasn't kidding when she said that he looks like a weird version of my dad. ( Stands up from her chair and leaves a tip under her drink). Might as well go help her. Should be interesting." Said Kora as she ran down an alley and then twirls around as her supergirl outfit suddenly appeared over her while her civilian cloaths disappear and then flew over toward the battle.

( Powergirl)

( Powergirl)

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( Bizzaro)

( Suprena)

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( Suprena)

( Over with  Powergirl)

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( Over with  Powergirl)

" ( Punches Bizzaro away before blocking a kick from Suprena). Since when did you two start working together  Suprena? I thought you liked to work alone." Said  Powergirl. "  That was until I found out that we work very well together as a team. (  Punches  Powergirl to the ground and then watches Bizzaro punch her into a pillar as she then falls to the ground). We make quite the power couple, don't you think so?" Said  Suprena. " Not really, I mean the guy says his words in the wrong context. How do you even live with that? (  Looks up only to see a gas tank truck being held in the air by  Bizzaro).  That's not good." Said  Powergirl.  " ( Smiles at  Bizzaro and then looks at  Powergirl).  Bizzaro, be a dear and toss that over at the dear citizens will you?" Said  Suprena as she flies at  Powergirl only to quickly stop after hearing the sound of the gas tank truck being caught by something.

( Supergirl/ Kora)

( Start this song at the twenty-three-second mark)

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( Start this song at the twenty-three-second mark)

" ( Holds the  Gas tank truck in the air and over her head before gently setting it down on the ground and then looking at  Bizarro and  Suprena). That wasn't very nice of you now, was it? ( Hits   Bizarro with her heat vision and sends him forty feet into the sky before looking at  Powergirl). She's all yours Powergirl." Said Supergirl as she flew after Bizzaro. " ( Watches  Supergirl fly after  Bizarro ). Who in the world is that, I thought there were only two  Kryptonians. There's a third one now. This has just gotten more interesting. " Said  Suprena until she is punched in the face by Powergirl. " ( Flys in the air but then stops after catching up with  Bizzaro). So what is it with you anyway? Are you some deformed number twelve rip-off or." Said   Supergirl until   She is punched in the face and sent twelve feet away before getting grabbed by  Bizzaro as he then punches her in the face readily. " BIZARRO NUMBER ONE. BIZARRO WILL ALWAYS BE NUMBER ONE!" Yelled Bizzaro as he fires his blue heat-vision at supergirl only for her to counter with her red heat-vision as the two beams clash pint blank and then causing an explosion that sent both combatants ten feet away from each other.

 ( Over with Powergirl)

" ( Hears an explosion and then looks up after knocking  Suprena to the ground). What exactly is going on up there? ( Quickly looks down at  Suprena and brings up her left arm in order to block a punch only to then hear the sound of something being hit hard before watching as  Bizarro comes crashing down onto  Suprena which knocks them both to the ground hard).  Not bad at all." Said Powergirl as she floats down to the ground while the police put power restraining cuffs onto both  Bizarro and Suprena. " Well, that was certainly fun. ( Floats a little bit to the ground but stays in the air). Now I know what to be mindful of." Said Supergirl as  Powergirl looks up at her. " You did that to test yourself didn't you?" Asked Powergirl. " That and I wanted to see how much they could hurt me.  Now I know that people like him or her can actually hurt me. ( Smiles at  Powergirl). See you next time. " Said Supergirl as she waves at the civilians and then flies away. " ( Flies after  Supergirl). Then allow me to help train you."Said  Powergirl as  she and  Supergirl flew off.

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