Talokan City

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Namor took my hands and jumped into the water with me. I was prepared for a sudden feeling of cold around me but instead felt no difference. I looked around the dark cabin and saw the bio-illuminate around me from the plats. They lit the way farther into the depths; Namor held my hand as we swam forward; he was a much more skilled swimmer than I was. He had a sort of elegance to him when he was in the water; appeared more relax.

We came upon a current and Namor pointed toward it. I looked at him hesitantly and put my hand toward it the moment it touched I felt the pull. I let the current envelope me as I raced down the cavern. The speed I was going caught me off guard I learned quickly I did not have enough strength to keep my self level. I began to take the corners too wide making close calls with the caverns walls.

I suddenly felt a strong arm wrap around me and grab my left hand. Namor was there holding me in place and giving me something to lean into on the turns. I looked up at him and remained looking straight focused on the journey ahead. Soon the current released us and we were spat out into a beautiful sight. I swam ahead a bit having Namor hold on me release.

"Wow, it's... beautiful," I said. I smiled and a laugh left me for I couldn't believe what I was seeing. A whole city of people and civilization far into the depths of the ocean. How could something so beautiful be so unknown to the world?

"This is Talokan, the city of my people, my home" Namor swam next to me.

"Come there is much to see," he took my hand and swam forward. I looked ahead to see a city busy with people they traded, played, worked and played. Children where playing games and the people looked happy to engage with one another. No words were needed between them for me to understand. Two people, a man and a woman, approached us bowing their head and opening their hands toward us. Namor did the same repeating the gesture I looked and smiled.

Though Namor's way of going getting to me wasn't the most sane or rational thing I could see his people respected and loved him. I swam to the right watching as four children bounced sone sort of rock against their hips. They laughed as they played though the sound muffled under water. I looked up to see the cavern expanding upwards this please was magnificent. I swam towards the top a bit to discover more.

A woman was gathering net as the other was gathering stones into baskets. A child then approached me reaching toward my hands. I put my hand out facing her and she placed her palm flat on mine.

"Hello," I smiled the girl smiled in return and looked toward Namor. She giggled bowing and gesturing her hands and swam away. Namor smiled and then took my hand again.

"I want to show you something," he swam toward a intricate building. In the center a beautiful light shown.

"Here in the depths we never had the ability to endure the sun and it's heat. So I brought the sun to my people," Namor looked on and smiled. We watched as the light grew and provided more light around the cavern. I watched in awe as the light shone brightly and looked at the glittering stone around me.

"This place is magnificent I can't believe such a place exists," I said. Namor turns toward me and places a hand on my cheek. Even through the barrier and water I can feel the heat from him.

"This place is the most important thing in the world to me; and I am honored to share it with you," he said and smiled gently. I smiled and placed my hand on his and bringing down looking at them. He took other hand to grab my free one and brought them to his lips.

"Here you are safe and protected, and I promise to do anything I can to make yo comfortable and happy," he then kissed them. A shock went through me I should be trying to get away from this, but again I feel a sort of ease with him.

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