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The next morning I awoke, the spot and air around me cold. Opening my eyes the light was dim in my room. I sat up looking behind me hoping to see him; to my disappointment he was gone. Gathering the blanket around me I stepped out of bed toward the mirror. My neck and chest littered with love bites and bruises from last night.

My hand ghosting over each one remembering how each one got there. I smiled recalling the soft touches and kisses from him. Last night felt different then before almost as if he had something to lose. Going over the table where my tea cup from Idris still sat I lifted it. The tea inside cold and stiff, a tear slipped down my face this would be the first morning I'm not greeted with her smile.

I wouldn't be reading with her or asking her non-sensical questions about the biome in the city. Placing the cup back on the table I turned toward the bed; the sheets and pillows scattered. There on the end of the bed a garment was folded and placed. Walking over I picked it up recognizing it as Namor's; I hugged it to my chest. Today Namor would take his rage out on the country of Wakanda.

Setting the cape down next to the tea cup on the table I made my way over to my bed. Pulling the book out between my mattress I looked for the same tunnel as yesterday. Gathering my suit and changing my clothes I made my way out of my hut to run into a guard. He turned looking at me not saying a word; I was frozen in my spot.

"Oh I'm sorry, I was just heading to the library," I made my way passed him but he stepped in-front. He shook his head and motioned to my door again.

"Am I not allowed to leave?" I asked biting back frustration. He again didn't say anything only looking at me emotionless. I took a deep breath before nodding and turning back into my hut. Closing the door behind me, I looked around hoping for a discreet exit.

The main pool must be blocked off as well; grabbing my book I looked for alternate routes to the west of Wakanda. Running low on time I ripped the page from my book; looking out the window of my hut the guard had stepped away. I opened my door looking around and seeing no sign before quickly exiting to the back of my hut. Pulling the map out I compared my reference to my surroundings before here the steady stream of a fall.

If my map is accurate this pool runs deep and a separate cavern ventures into the main one to the city. Activating my suit I dove into the pool straight down; looking to my right I watched the water run down stream. The current gently carrying me down; I appeared into the city.

Looking up I headed towards the military faction; entering I saw a handful of soldiers prepping a whale for the trip. I stealthily made my way over grabbing a helmet and body armor to disguise myself. Gathering into a crowd I was handed a spear and headed toward the massive mammal. Looking forward I watched the soldiers gripping the rope around the animal. A drum was heard and the animal calling before moving forward.

As the speed increased my body began to go horizontal against the animal. My grip was weak and faltering holding on with two hands still holding the weapon. Fear creeped into me afraid of being discovered. A hand suddenly wrapped around mine keeping my grip in place. Slowly turning I was greeted my a familiar face, Attuma. I quickly averted my eyes before he could notice, pulling myself tighter against the mammal.

The ride was like nothing I've ever experienced; I was riding a whale. Well... Kind of, if you call the assistance of Namor's general help. Attuma soon let go making his way toward the head of the whale as it began to surface. We surfaced and I was surrounded by a grand city; this was Wakanda. Never have I thought I was to see the city in the flesh since outsiders couldn't enter freely. The soldiers began chanting as they went back under water swimming to shore; falling in with the group I followed.

Once my feet greeted the ground I made my way away from the crowd to the right of the beach. Taking the helmet off I deactivated my suit; I walked into a market as shops were flooded. The screams of people surrounded me, my senses were all over taking in the chaos around me. These poor people were collateral damage to Idris's death and Namor's rage.

Namor - The Ocean CallsWhere stories live. Discover now