One More Night - Rated M!

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Máansa'ab u nej miis tin wich' - I've been blinded with the hope of a alliance

Jast'us - Beautiful

Béet- Please

Everything was a blur, I watched as the servants began preparations for Namor's speech. Two men went over to Idris removing her mask and taking her away. I watched as my friend was taken away from forever. I turned toward the pool activating my suit diving in heading to the city. Once arriving even more chaos ensued; the people were huddling toward Namor's throne.

Drums sounded and Namora and Attuma in different attire made there way forward in the crowd. I followed behind in the opening the people bowing and gesturing to us as we swam through. A Attuma and Namora waited in the center I stayed to the far right. Namor descended from above; landing in his chair his head dress tall and elegant. All went quite as he slammed his spear onto the throne.

"Máansa'ab u nej miis tin wich," Namor spoke. He continued the atmosphere around me changing. Idris was teaching me more of there mother tongue though I'm not fluent I was able to catch bits and pieces. The surface world he was going to attack Wakanda; begin his war with the surface.

My heart clenched was this what Idris would have wanted? The surface world was my home would he hurt those who were not at fault? Namor began to shout a phrase that the people began to chant.

"Líik'ik Talokan!" Namor shouted. I turned watching the people of Talokan they were passionate and loyal. They were also kind could all of them agree to this? I quickly exited the crowd heading back to the caverns. I had to do something convince Namor not to go through with this. I want the people who did this to Idris held accountable not the world.

I rose out of the water alone, no Idris to greet me with a smile. The place her body laid was cleaned; I looked down to see her blood still on my dress. I changed in my hut into a green and purple gown. The sleeves draping off of my shoulders to fall to the ground behind me. I sat on my bed which felt like eternity and waited; he had to come see me before heading off.

Hours passed and I seemed to have fallen asleep; my door then opened. The light from the cavern peaking through as the tall figure walked in. Just buy the shadow I knew who it was; I sat up standing and hugging Namor where he stood. He still wore his jewels and cape though his head dress was off now. Taking Namor's face into my hands his eyes looked sad; I pulled him towards me laying a soft kiss onto his lips.

Namor's hands went to my back pulling me in more. He pulled away suddenly and looked at me.

"I needed to see you before tomorrow," he whispered.

"Namor... I heard your speech, the end of the surface world? My home?" I shook my head.

"This is your home now," he caressed my face. I grabbed his hand against mine and kissed his palm.

"Namor, the surface will always be a piece of me; there is no erasing that," I touched his golden bangle. Namor stood there letting me continue.

"What was it Queen Ramanda wanted to negotiate with you about?" I asked.

"The princess, but she willingly wanted to stay and there is nothing for me the surface world could offer that I don't have myself," his thumb ran over my lips. I looked up at him his gaze soft and his eyes swimming my face,

"Nam-" he put his fingers to my mouth stopping me.

"No more talk of politics, tonight I will make up for lost time with you. Tonight I will have you like it's my last," he hungrily took my lips with his. A moan emitted from me as he lifted me suddenly. His hand going up my back as the other held my thigh; the soft mattress hitting my back. His tongue danced with mine his hands moving slow over my body. I clutched the back of his cape pulling him tighter against me; I needed to feel him.

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