Alliance - FINALE

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I was placed into a cell hours after the attack. Metal cuffs around my wrist and ankles as I was escorted to a prison ship. Dressing me in white prison clothes looks like even prisoners are required to mourn a royal loss. Entering the ship I sat in the back of the ship by the window keeping my head down. A day must've passed already from the events, the water leaving the shores of Wakanda.

From the on going conversation around me it appears most of the Wakandian citizens are to be temporarily relocated to the mountains. We lifted off the ground then toward the tall snowy top mountains; I never thought Wakanda's landscapes would be this broad. Arriving to the new base myself and fellow prisoners were escorted in a single file line. Soldiers flanked us on both sides as the cold nipped at my cheeks and exposed hands.

Keeping my head down I walked forward following the people behind me. My eyes dry from crying for hours after my capture. Trying to explain my situation but no one caring to listen. We were put in separate cells and the metal cuffs were deactivated falling to the ground. I walked to the bench on the side pulling my knees to my chest.

My mind suddenly went elsewhere as I try to imagine myself anywhere else but here. Home with my mother and friends on land and then it drifted to the city of Talokan. Idris's smile flashing in my mind, a tear going down my face. I felt so stupid now, I should've stayed and allowed Namor to exact revenge for Idris's needless death. Closing my eyes I steadied my mind hoping to receive a sign from my brother in that moment. I was instead greeted by the door of my cell opening. Two guards of the Jabari clan stood there.

"Stand up," they commanded. I slowly rose from the bench my feet barefoot on the cold ground. Another approached cuffing my hands and throwing boots infant of me. Putting the boots on I was brought to a different location. Taking in my surroundings I observed a tall snowy cave. A large group of people huddled all sectioned off by colors with a elder in front. Their the soldier from Namor's assault and my capture sat on a throne.

As we approached the chatter stopped the attention turning to me. This brought me back to the dinner I shared with Namor and his generals the first night I was brought there. Though I know I will find no comfort from them in the end. I was brought to the middle of the circle to face the man.

"This is the woman you speak of M'Baku?" The woman to my left spoke. I looked straight ahead emotionless at M'baku, the cold air chilling me.

"Indeed, the fishman spoke to her like he knew her and proceeded to protect her," M'Baku leaned toward the edge of his chair.

"What would he need a woman like you for?" He inquired. I stood up straighter clenching my fists.

"Namor never really explained it, but I am not from Wakanda but Massachusetts," I replied.

"An American? Why on earth would he want you," a man to my right spoke.

"I asked to be taken away from my misery at the time. Recently dealing with a family loss, a grieving mother and my partner leaving me; I was alone," I looked to the ground.

"Namor... saved me," I whispered. A sudden whirring was heard above, looking above a ship rolled up. The whole in the bottom opening, a guard pulled me aside quickly. A figure came out of the ship before landing before everyone. There stood a figure that looked all too familiar; a chill going down my spine. The head of the suit disappearing and Princess Shuri stood. Her eyes locked on to mine as the elders approached the Princess saying words of praise. Her eyes never leaving mine, M'Baku sat back into his chair again.

"I would like to requests a private audience with M'Baku and the prisoner if you should allow it elders," Shuri spoke. The elders bowed before slowly making there way out leaving me with the two figures before me. I trembled from fear and the cold, Shuri turning toward me.

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