Trust - Slight M

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-In Reina - My Queen

-In Yakunaj - My Love

-In Amado - My Beloved

Warning: Slight smut

"Y/n! It's time for work!" Called my mother. I woke up drawing the pillow overly ears and rolling to the side. Another day in paradise as I like to say; another day waiting on the public. My 25th birthday was last week and being a quarter century old I'm not looking forward for what the next three have in store. Being lonely in a room full of people is probably the worst for of torture. Everyone going about their days laughing and enjoying each others company. I on the other just feel like I'm merely existing. Since the death of my older brother that whole hasn't been patched.

"Morning Bro," I looked down at the picture on my dresser fist bumping it. He died in military combat last summer. We're coming up on a year since then in two months. On top of that my boyfriend of five years left me a month after his passing; the state of mind I was in was too much for him. So I learned long ago that the feelings one claim for you are never true. That even when you're at your lowest people will take the opportunity to kick you while you're down.

After work I would always go to the beach from the sunset to about nine. Here in Cape cod the beaches are gorgeous on the upper east coast. The water here though is always a frigid cold compared to the gulf beaches farther south. I laid out a towel gazing at the orange and pinks sky. It was the end of May and the breeze was getting warmer and the sand softer. The sky went dark some hours later and I sat in silence listening to the waves.

I caught in the corner of my eye on the right a figure; I looked over quickly flashing my phone light at it. I couldn't believe what I was seeing my brother in normal clothes like the last time I saw him. I quickly stood up and rubbed my eyes thinking I was hallucinating. Suddenly my brother was in front of me he had tears in his eyes.

"Sister, you need to wake up it's not time yet, wake up," he spoke so softly I could barely hear him.

"What?" The waves sounded louder. The look on my brothers face got serious and he raised his hand placing it on my head.

"Wake up!" He shouted. I suddenly fell back and jolted I opened my eyes to see I was in my hut. My body ached and felt like I got hit by a bus; my legs felt like a ton. I placed my hand on my face feeling the oxygen mask and pulled it off. I looked around not seeing anyone in the room. I began to access my Injuries. Wiggling my toes I realized both my legs were attached it and I wasn't paralyzed. My arms were black and blue and cut; my head had a terrible pain. My back didn't feel much better either; but I was alive. I suddenly tried to push my self up to sit and that felt strenuous. I leaned my back against the pillows catching my breathe. I had five blankets on me for warmth and fresh bowl of fruits on my table next to me.

I took a few to help gain my energy back and drank the water provided as well. The hut had a different feeling to it, in here everything felt sad and gloomy. I looked at my hands noticing the bracelet of Namor's mother was still intact. I reached for my neck seeing the pendant was missing. I looked around the bed hoping it fell off but it was no where in sight. I soon heard the door open and Idris stopped in her tracks at the sight me.

"In Reina!," she ran forward taking one of my hands. She smiled and sighed in relief.

"We've been so worried about you, I'll go and notify our K'Uk'Ulkan," she quickly exited before I could protest. A few moments later I felt a strong presence and the air changed. The door opened slowly and Namor slowly came in; he was wearing different royal garments. Adorned in his gold and blue jewelry, but his eyes looked sad.

Namor - The Ocean CallsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora