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The next morning I woke up early, quickly got dressed and went to the library. I wanted to clear my head and have peace and quiet before the others wake up. I lit a candle walking over to my reading corner; Idris had gifted me blankets. They were a beautiful shade of ocean blue with pearls woven on the ends of the blanket. I wrapped myself in the blanket sitting on the chair with my knees to my chest.

I closed my eyes as the air was calm and quite easing my mind. I sat in silence for some time picturing my old life again. I missed the surface feeling the sun on my skin and the ocean breeze. Everything down here was cold and stiff, isolating at times. I sometimes found myself aimlessly walking the twisting caverns when I'm bored.

I would frequently ask to go into the city just for a change of scenery; but orders are without Namor I wasn't allowed. Sometimes I wondered if Namor would ever fully trust me to roam his city without him. My mind then went to my mother and brother a frown falling on my face. I wonder what words of wisdom they would bestow on me during this time. I missed my brother he was my rock, my comedic relief on a bad day, the light on my grey days.

The day we lost him I lost a piece of myself I buried a piece of me with him that day. My mother was never right after that she became cold and distant. She refused to speak about my brother so the topic was never brought up. I was isolated in my own grief; my mother shutting me out. My ex boyfriend abandoning me at my lowest and the people I called friend going MIA. Thats when I turned to my sunset trips to the ocean; the sound of the waves swallowed my curses and screams. I felt like a piece of me belonged; the breeze swaying me and soothing me to calm.

I always wondered if my brother was at peace; is there truly a place our souls live in? I badly wish to hug him again and tell him everything about this place. Hear his voice and laugh again. Suddenly a thud sounded a floor above me between one of the isles. I looked above only seeing darkness; grabbing the candle and blanket I made my way up.

They're on the ground was a book on the geographical makeup of the Atlantic. Picking it up it was opened and settled on a chapter about the caverns deep in the ocean. The winding tunnels and their exits and entrances for the currents to rip through. I sat on the floor putting the book on my knees as I read; the cavern described was similar to this one.There was a way to the surface here, and if I could get away for a hour I may be able to find it. Tucking the book in the blanket I raced down the stairs to the door. Opening it I ran into Idris she jumped startled.

"My lady?" She asked. Her eyes went to the opening in the blanket spying the book; I quickly pulled the blanket over. She looked back up at me, her eyes told me she suspected but she did not pry.

"I was just heading back to my hut for a morning read," I said walking toward the stairs.

"I see... I will have tea made up for you," she said. We made our way down and parted ways; entering my hut I checked behind me to see where Idris was. The moment I saw I was alone I quickly lifted the mattress tucking the book beneath it and grabbing my suit. Placing it inside of my dress on my back I would be able to wear it in secret. A knock was heard at door and Idris entered with a small tray with only one cup of tea. She walked over placing it onto my table.

"Are you not joining me today?" I asked a bit disappointed.

"Unfortunately not, Ku'Uk'Ulkan wanted me to assist with the princess and her guest," she held the tray flat against her now.

"Oh.. I see," I looked down at the cup of tea.

"Yes, so that would mean you get the day alone and unsupervised for a while," I looked up at her.

"I heard that the currents have been gentler in its traveling speed the last few days. Almost relaxing to roam down," she looked at me. She smiled turning to walk out the door without a word.

Namor - The Ocean CallsWhere stories live. Discover now