Concert time.

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It's concert time yall 🤠

Swiss pov

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing and checked to that sunshine was calling.


🌞:I heard what happened with Sodo last night ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

🧀:wha- wait, what- Oh- OH, wait how do you know?

🌞:Cirrus told me. But that's besides the point. We have a concert tonight.

🧀:ok bye dumbass.

🌞:I love you too cheese boy bye bye.

I head to breakfast and sit next to Aether and Sunshine. Sunshine is filling me and Aether in on everything going on right now. "So I saw Mountain go into Rains room last night and he didn't come out until 6:00 am!" Ya sunshine knows all the drama all the ins and outs, everything and everyone. "Numi got caught for drugs by papa so I went in her room to get details and I found the most horrific thing ever. I found a shrine for Swiss, in her closet, and yes Swiss I mean you." "I might throw up." I said. "R.I.P. Swiss." Aether said acting like he was praying. "More like R.I.P. Numi she just hope that Sodo and Swiss aren't dating cause Sodo could whip her ass quicker then you could say banana." Sunshine said and Aether gasped. I put my head in my hands. "Really not this againnnn." I said not wanting to talk about it. "Well I have to fill in Aether ok. So anyways Sodo and Swiss were making out in Swiss room last night!" Sunshine said like she just won a million dollars. "Why are you so happy about it?" I asked and she and Aether looked at each other and held hands because they were sitting across from each other and started giggling. "Our ship is sailing!" They almost screamed. "Ya I'm done here." I told them. "Going to sit with your boyfriend?" Aether said. "I wish he was my boyfr- you know what you heard nothing." I said getting up and walking over to Sodo. "Hello pretty boy." I said sitting next to him. "Hello short dick man." Sodo said. "You weren't calling my dick short last night." I replied. "Fuck you." He said. "If you sister didn't come in my room last night it we could have." I said. Mountain, Nick, and Rem just stared at us. "Nope on dealing with you today." Sodo said. "Oh yes you are sweetie we have a concert tonight." I told him. "Fuck me." He said banging his head on the table. "If you let me I would." I said. Mountain, Nick, and Rem watching us like a reality tv show.

(Time skip getting ready for concert)

Sodo pov

Im getting ready for the concert and I was really excited because this was Rems first year here and he was coming to watch us, but I think that him and Nick are going to go for a first date, just an 'observation' ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). I finish getting ready grab my black mask and walk out. I see Swiss waiting for me in near the door in my room. "Ready to go hun?" He says. I walk over to him and kiss him. "Stop treating me 'like' your boyfriend and ask me out already." I say walking by him and he comes up to me and walks with me to the car.

(At the concert)

We go on and start performing. I walk up behind rain and start touching him trying to make Swiss jealous. It's always fun to make Swiss jealous. We play a couple songs and now we start to play Mummy Dust. I walk over to the crowed and reach my hand out, then I feel someone behind me grab my hand spin me around. It was Swiss. He's suppose to be at his part of the stage not over here. "Now everyone can see us beautiful." He whispers in my ear. He grabs my waist and I try my best to continue playing. He grabs my chin and lifts my head up. "I love you~" he says in my ear before walking away to his section of the stage and continues playing. What the fuck. We end the song and play Year Zero. The lights turned off for a second so I made my way to Swiss platform before anyone could see me. The lights turned on to an orange color and I kept leaning closer and closer to Swiss until he realized I was there. I think scared him because he almost fell off his platform when he jumped. I walked in front of him and he was playing the tambourine. (I can't remember what instruments he plays in this song so we gonna have to to deal with it.) We started leaning our faces closer and closer together before I pulled away and went off his platform. He just held his free hand out in a 'really what the fuck why gotta do me like that' motion. At the end of the song papa went back stage for something and we all got to take a break. I look over and see Aether talking to Swiss and then coming to me. "I am not the least bit sorry for this." He said before pushing me up to Swiss stage. "What's so important you had to get Aether to come get me?" I asked him as Aether walked away. He took my guitar and set it leaning against the edge of his platform. He then flung me over his shoulder walked to the nearest wall close to the audience and lifted me up by my legs, my back against the wall and said. "You know there's better ways to get my attention then touching Rain." At this point I was about to pass the fuck out from schock and the fans seemed like they were too. "Ya but it's more fun cause then you do stuff like this." I said running my hands down from his cheeks to his arms he was holding me up with. He lets go and I stop messing around with him the moment we hear. "Are you two going to fuck or some shit? This is a concert not a gay rom-con." Yep papa was definitely back, and clearly ready to play the next song so I grab my guitar and we finish the ritual.

I'm running out of ideas please help 🥲

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